
There was an entire network of telephone poles when Bell invented the phone because.... we used to call them telegraph poles.

You do realize that your quote is simply reminding us that Raphael Orlove suffers from extreme brain damage and Jalopnik has a program to keep one handicapped person employed, don’t you? Every time he spouts garbage like that,  I wouldn’t be surprised if he has to use a speech-to-text synthesizer to use a computer.

Jeans Guy completely threw me for a loop. For the life of me, I still cannot remember what happened in that scene because I was too busy wondering why some wannabe Shaggy was hiding in the door way.

The right to fair use is not limited to journalists.

Yep, a single frame of video lasts far less than the usually accepted 4 seconds of video/audio that falls into frequently cited fair use limits.

Problem is, they’re doing it wrong. Sending things to space is expensive. So once something gets to orbit, it should stay in orbit. They should be working on ways to gather the debris, be it paint chips, fasteners, tools, old stages to rockets launched decades ago, or dead satellites, recycle the materials, and

The last paragraph is quite incorrect. Don’t post videos of yourself driving like an asshole. But by all means, post the evidence of other driving like that.

LOL. My advice is... Stopping planning for a particular expected income level and wait until you actually score a job that will provide that income level.

Lead directly to the Davidson-Duryea Gun Carriage, and the Davidson Automobile Battery (which weirdly switched from gasoline power to steam power). Davidson then took a nearly 15 year break before he partnered with Cadillac to make America’s first true armore vehicle, the Davidson-Cadillac Armoured Car, which looks a

If there is one thing to be learned by this article, it is that everyone need to learn how to read aeronautical sectional maps. That way, when planning an EV trip, you can figure out how much uphill travel you’ll be doing, since they include elevation in 10 or 25 foot increments. As government publications, the FAA

They know squirt guns exist. They went the warning label route with those because the old 70's vintage Mego Micronauts toy line had a freaking toy gun with the Battle Cruiser product that fired these hard rubber knobs on the end of a plastic stick that actually injured people. “Ah! You got water on me!” really didn’t

Ah. That makes that scarring make perfect sense now. I had figured maybe I was drunk and tried way too hard to wipe thoroughly and ‘missed the mark’. But I couldn’t remember ever being that drunk.

That’s almost correct. “True friendship is beating the shit out of each other in the street using wooden dowels you stole from your respective bathrooms, suffering the ramifications of both sets of parents finding out, and continuing your friendship the following Monday at school like nothing happened.”

I’m sorry, but the concept of a baseball bat faux-sword fight involving wooden AND metal bats is not a possibility. I know it was a reality around 1982 because I participated myself, and I still see kids in my neighborhood do it today.

Spent my entire childhood fighting with gift wrap tube swords, too. And once they were all broken, we moved onto gift wrap tube nunchucks. What can I say? It was the 1980's and ninjas were a thing in entertainment media.

Ahem.... So....

On a side note, that one door is not ENTIRELY the wrong color. The color of the glass seems to match the rest of the windows on the vehicle. :3

I fully expect that in a few days, you will be producing an article about changing the bumper on a ‘99 Toyota Camry.

The problem is not that they are more likely to have accidents, but rather that they are more likely to be involved in accidents they cannot financially afford to have. That is, after all, why people have insurance - to absorb the financial burden of a mishap.

Exactly how long has the Saarland been “rural”? 100 years ago, it was one of the big industrial centers of Germany. And it still has some significant industry, the foremost on most lists being the auto industry.