
You left out an equally important aspect: Support infrastructure. That’s even further away than making electric vehicles equal ICE vehicles, especially thanks to the fact every company seems to feel a need to customize charging connections, and one particular manufacturer likes to remotely screw around with the

If it can do the old VW Harlequin look by swapping some body panels with those bolts and giant washers, I’m sold.

Sorry, but.... That door speaker panel looks less like a map of the Sea of Tranquility on the moon and more like “This vehicle is such hot s**t someone couldn’t control themselves, humped the door and look at all the pubic hair they left behind.”

LOL. “Are you ready for a 6-figure GMC product? Woof.”

Wait.... Did Porsche screw up the color of the back end? The game vehicle looks like the back end is green instead of black.

Why does he need a welfare check? I just assumed he somehow finally managed to get that damned $600 Chrysler minivan as far as Amsterdam and was enjoying some of the... recreational commodities available in the city.

The Yukon’s glove box is full of tweezers and magnifying glasses.

None of this tells me if the Changli will fit into one of those U-Haul motorcycle trailers. :3

I just want to know where the building code allows studs 24 inches apart...

I just want to know where the building code allows studs 24 inches apart...

Hell, back in the 70's, up in New England, orange and brown cars (and I mean medium to dark brown, not tan) were a thing, too. As kids, we’d yell, “Look, an M&M on wheels!” every time we saw one.

When your car is a real color (aside from red), cops don’t bother you because they don’t believe your vehicle actually exists. I squeal my tires at the intersection outside my local PD every time I have to stop for a red light there and never have they bothered me. All because the car is an ugly metallic baby blue.

o_O It would appear that the rear seat, rear window shelf, and front dash match the paint color of that shiny, scarab green beast.

Meh. I’d believe that photo was real and not a ‘shop if his pectorals drooped down to his belly button.

Grumpy old man is rude, news at 11.

So.... if the motor is removed so the hood ornament can’t be retracted, the light is legal?

In other news, EU politicians have no clue what light pollution is.

Problem is.... Big oil didn’t mislead us. The recycling industry did. The recycling industry too cheap and lazy to deal with the issue of the existence of multiple types of plastics with multiple and very different recycling methods. I do 3D printing and actually do some recycling at home - I haven’t tossed a grocery

I use several of these to store seeds for my garden.

Just remember to direct that insanity at the right people. It is the company that cultivated that stereotype, not the drivers.

Yep. Totally optics, especially considering the fact that the USPS has been making bad news since the Reagan administration regarding fiscal shortages. Mind you, the USPS is the only agency in the government capable of funding itself and making a profit, but every time they do profit, the politicians steal that money.