
A lot of the lengthy breakage can be chalked up to office politics and shenanigans at Cartoon Network itself. So much godawful BS goes on, it is a wonder the channel survived to 2000, let alone 2020.

Her building a plane of her own was more a function of wealth than gender. The same holds true today.

Forget just Kias and Hyundais. Everyone should check via VIN if their vehicle has had any recalls for anything, no matter how old the vehicle is. I bought a ‘94 Honda Accord when it was new. It wasn’t until that whole Takata airbag recall fiasco that I ran the VIN and discovered it had been recalled repeatedly over

Well, I can understand why the dog doesn’t look like a monkey in a French ad. For nearly 2/4 of a century, the French military has had a horrible nickname: “Surrender Monkeys.

As a lifelong dog owner, I am 100% certain that dog is most definitely NOT enjoying that trunk in the least.

LOL. I can’t help but think the combo of the lights, nose overhang and front grill look like a hangry fish. I was all oooh’s and aaah’s until that thought popped into my mind.

Drones and rooftops is just silly. Get a cheap, old car, multiple spare keys made so everyone using it can have a copy of the key, and put the phones in that. Park it among the hundreds of cars in the lot every shift, move it periodically so it doesn’t look like an abandoned vehicle, and you get essentially the same

Well, you do get all those tornadoes, so they really aren’t going to spend money decorating a tower they may have to replace in 3-15 years.

Security guards just got more work, patrolling outside the building. Now that this is public knowledge, the phones will simply be seized, shut off and tossed in a box under the security desk at the entrance. And if you come looking for it, they’ll quietly terminate the Flex account, effectively firing the driver.

There is the data point I want. Most people are all like “OMG, OMG, why did they waste all teh monies?!!!!!”

They realized how useless these things are once the necessary law enforcement radios, computers and other equipment got factored into the power consumption and range before recharge.

All I’m going to say is... In the world of 3D printing, they now make equipment to convert your old milk jugs and soda bottles into filament for your printer, and it costs roughly $0.03 per $1.00 vs. conventional “virgin” filament you’d buy in a store or online. Maybe not exactly “ready for prime time” for the final

What if... It was a crazy fan they don’t know about that snuck into his trailer while everything was shut down?

Between having been Bane, Mad Max, Venom, and Delaney, Tom Hardy would leave the beer bug bloody at both ends and crying in a dark alley.

Batman has doctors in his rogue’s gallery; they just don’t refer to themselves as doctors anymore. Off the top of my head, Harley Quinn was a psychiatrist, Scarecrow was a psychologist, and Mr. Freeze was a geneticist with a PhD.

Perhaps ironically, Scarecrow has demonstrated that very fact many, many times.

They don’t go to Vegas for a convention. ExorCruise 2020. They were carefully guided to do one of those week-long, all expenses included convention cruises rather than something in Vegas and the ship went down in 15,000 feet of water somewhere in the Atlantic with a loss of all hands.

I will just take a moment to say every significant population center in a stable nation on earth needs the local equivalent of Wildwood, NJ’s Doo Wop Experience Museum, where the town actively tries to save a fair chunk of its art deco heritage. This blowfish deserves to be in such a museum, seeing how it represents a

Only reason Tesla isn’t joining in is because he’s got the game turned up to 11. Why waste time on “right to repair” when you can just keep the supply chain locked down (which is exactly what Tesla does)?

All I can say is... That next to the last sentence... DON’T GIVE THEM IDEAS.