
Dictionary much? You blew it by misdefining in your own head both “perfect” and “concentric”, one right after the other. The photos show it quite obviously fit the definition of neither.

LOL. “a High-Definition blu-ray shot”.

There is one HUGE factor people overlook in the operation of these vehicles. When have you ever heard of anyone testing one in anything but perfect weather? I’ve never heard of one of these things being tested in fog, snow, rain, drizzle, hell, not even a stiff breeze or at night. And they’ve been overlooking that the

So.... According to those pictures.... During the winter, you Great Lakes region folks sell snow shovels as snow shovels, then the rest of the year you sell them as Fishfly Carcass Shovels?

All my household phone are still tethered to the wall. Cellphone outages after negative events are a common thing in my area.

Ajit Pai is a dimwit. 911 should NEVER have been knocked out by a problem at CenturyLink. The FCC should have been investigating why the hell Verizon was routing ALL phone calls over the internet to begin with, as well as why they didn’t have any sort of backup plans in place to deal with at least that much of the

The whole Miata issue (and convertibles in general) is an issue of structural design. There is no frame around the window as there is in noncovertible cars. That door framework is what the sock type relies upon to hold it in place with the windows down. In a Miata, roof up or down, rolling the window down would simply

40 releases per year... Just makes me shudder considering the wide range in ticket pricing these days. Matinee ticket costs in my area range from $7 to $22. Prime time ticket prices range all the way up to $40 (people in DE are insane for paying those prices in a place where there is supposedly no sales tax).

I’ll wait for the video of Colin Furze doing the job better.

I think they key fact regarding the selection here is the employee spoke Russian (suggesting the crook wasn’t particularly skilled with English). After all, the gangster kept upping the bribe until he got a positive response.

Wow. I’ve encountered a Tesla douche that drives a Porsche instead. Not a Mercedes or a BMW or even a Jeep, but a Porsche. LOL

According to NASA, you’re off by a ton regarding Hubble’s original weight, though it apparently now weighs 1.5 tons more than it did at launch.

So you’re telling us what? You are a perv that has sex with tea kettles? Your attempts at hot drinks all taste like shit? If you’re going to insult your own post, why post anything to begin with? Also, there are these things called capital letters and periods. Yes, I know, you’re snickering like certain old MTV

Huh. I’m from the little bubble on MA’s southern border with CT and the number of people in the region with relatives in Canada is ridiculous (including my own family). Hell, we could get to Vermont’s border with Canada in about 2 1/2 hours. From your statement, I can only conclud the closest you’ve come to being in

Ahem... “Formula One introduced wheel tethers back in 1998 to prevent errant tires from flying off a crashed car”

Wait! I think I see a mistake. This is a Chrysler we’re talking about. Shouldn’t that be “NAPA leather” rather than “napa leather”? :D

Since he was using the same old insulting nickname, you should have been all like “What the hell, man, you still haven’t graduated 4th grade?”

LOL. You know you’re getting close to the Canadian border when the drug sniffing dog gets called out to hunt for stolen beer.

Wow, you are truly the Ancient One. The MADD presentation got replaced by the DARE presentation during my second year of high school. But either one was better than the week long “This is how you get a boating license” presentation they did while the girls got puberty explained to them.

SROs deserve the response of “I’m sorry, my pet farticles escaped their colon cage.”