
Wait.... So you’re not going with your nicksake, a half-track El Camino?

Reminds me of the Bellamore Armored Motor Bank Car, which eventually got so high end, it became a bank branch on wheels. IIRC, one of the variants looked quite a bit like this.

This is commonplace here in NJ. I’ve seen 3 or 4 loose tires over the years. Fortunately no accidents have happened. Here in NJ, I have also seen a tire stampede, where one of those full tire delivery picket trucks loses the entire load at once. That time I needed to replace the hood on my car as well as the

SpaceX is incapable of launching something like Hubble, which is the size of a bus and substantially more tonnage than they can lift.

Given the load that trailer was carrying, the trailer obviously had a dually setup and this is the outer left tire of the trailer. The driver never noticed because there was still a tire on that side of the trailer holding up the load. The interlocking lugs were probably improperly installed, causing the studs between

Yep, there are tradeoffs.... and exactly NONE of them have anything to do with the specific act of throwing a part in the trash. You did something so utterly stupid, it defies the general thought processes of most people, let alone logic. It was a perfectly good part. You could have sold it off and offset part of that

Strangely convenient that one of the teams had a photographer at just the right location to film the car hitting a hollow and losing control. If you didn’t know any better, you might think it was planned.

You left out the part where it is actually illegal in quite a few states. Though, TBH, the punishment for violations really needs to be the smashing of offending car parts on the side of the road instead of issuing of typically 0-point tickets that will never be paid.

I don’t have a garage. I have an attached storage unit. :P

You can never look at a duck the same again, when you realize they’re all wearing ill-fitting tiny dog masks you think are beaks.

My garage is so narrow, you need to back out into the driveway to get out of the car anyway. We discovered this with an old Porsche 914 many years ago. But since that had a Targa roof, the car became a sunshine summer driver and the roof stayed off so people could get in or out of the car while it was in the garage.

You left off “A BMW or a Mercedes” because these seem to be universally driven by d-bags. Though given the way local Jeep owners have been driving the last few months, I’d add that as well.

Yeah, sure, blame it ALL on competition. It isn’t like any of the Japanese government regulations had any influence.

Nice theory... except the first DC Suicide Squad appeared roughly 8 years before The Dirty Dozen.

His writing focuses on science, philosophy, economics, and history.

Some of those features you probably still wouldn’t get today if the government didn’t require them, like power disc brakes, for example. Manual steering was phased out by regulations by the end of the 80's. Perhaps ironically, IIRC, the Ford Escort (US gocart with doors version) was the last vehicle to phase in power

LOL. I just wonder.... how many people are like “Holy spit! A high end Mercedes for under $25k? Where’s my damned time machine?!” :D

Surprise! The Appalachia hillbillies go all the way up to the Canadian border AND they frequently live in the flatter lands east and west of the range. But they like to be equal opportunity offenders to prop themselves up against their sense of inadequacy. I’ve heard them refer to plenty of European and Asian nationali

This Jeep documentation is sorely lacking in one important tip - teach your customers the importance of not driving like an asshole in a shitbucket! a year ago, the problem was BMW and Mercedes drivers universally driving like the brown tap. But in the last few months, Jeep drivers locally have been getting in on the

The common cold is primarily caused by rhinoviruses, not coronaviruses. I’m starting to understand why there are people who don’t feel a need to listen to Fauci. There are less than 5 cold-causing coronavirus strains that affect humans