
Perv. Are you sure you really want to get nekkid with this guy?

 Too cheap to buy an engine hoist AND too lazy to make the effort to see if he could use one at work. I don’t know about now, but when I was in the army, there was always a section of the motor pool carved out for working on “hobby vehicles”. It was generally considered a good thing to promote this because the regular

Wait... Is this like that Nissan Sentra I had years ago with the Datsun badging? :D

You totally missed out on starting a new column.... “Adventures of the David Tracy Brigade”.

Huh. Having seen it, it is absolutely nothing more than an expedient solution for a broken garage door pull. It broke at some point and someone fashioned a new loop on the broken end. The number of times I’ve seen it done probably number at least into the triple digits, including several times I’ve done it myself.

I’d swear another company had done something similar years ago. More I think about it, more I’d swear it was Tesla.

The way people talk about Mustangs jumping curbs and hitting people for the quick meal and nobody noticed? Hondas are cannibals - we have a big Honda eating a little Honda in this situation....

What the heck? So are they going to re-edit yet another version of the prequel trilogy to add him in or not? I can’t tell from this article. :D

Be angry at the dink that wrote the article, not the readers interpreting it, because the article itself has a pretty clear “age of consent” slant to it, probably because the “we dated for awhile and then he raped me repeatedly” argument she’s trying to prop up in her own words is going to be hard to float.

Seems to me, this is more an issue of (illegally) tinted windows. Takes a split second to shift your point of vision to the cockpit and see whether or not anyone is actually in the cockpit.

Because....what? Every President before him since Truman seekritly had an expert on obscure Nazi symbolism and uniform markings on staff to vet things like this? You may as well proclaim that everyone who even once had to wipe with newsprint due to the recent toilet paper shortage is actually a time traveller from the

Most places don’t require masks outdoors. That’s a big part of why so many places closed their local parks.

Problem I see here is way, way too many people are oblivious to the fact that both parties are sides of the same coin

There is nothing smart about being an ass.

Silly man. If they were dictators they wouldn’t be trying so hard to keep safe the potential votes they want to buy. They’d just do away with voting.

Jay Leno and Tyler Hoover reject your reality and substitute their own. Though, the Hoovie’s Garage fleet is in the process of being downsized at the moment.

LOL. This post gives us the idea for a Jalopnik article - a Google Earth photo of David Tracy’s neighborhood and a headline of “Can you find David’s home in this photo?” :D

David was afraid the hail would cause the hoods to pop and then there would be an equestrian panic in the neighborhood as the few remaining horses escaped the engine compartments.

TARPS! Large tarps - large enough to cover the vehicle with space to spare, and rope to cinch it tight. Then they become covered objects that no one can determine the state of. Then the next time a complaint arises, the code inspector cannot verify the complaint without committing criminal trespass on your property,

No big deal. This is par for the course for this game line.