
I have a new theory regarding the Oxcart segment of the name.... They were too embarrassed to admit they named their kid in part after an Airwolf character.

He may have stock, but if it isn’t vested, they’ll claw it all back like nobody’s business.

All I can say is... “Bullshit quota that was increased by 2-3 units every freaking week” Started at 40 units per hour when I was hired, eventually hit TWICE that rate once the Christmas season ended and they were looking for excuses for fire most of the staff. And they intentionally had pickers bouncing back and forth

I worked in one of those warehouses a few years ago. Aside from the breaks and lunch when the entire shift gets concentrated in the lunchroom three different times over the course of an hour each day, the job essentially follows the social distancing guidelines. Maybe some of the older warehouses don’t, but the newer

If this does become a “feature” of the vehicle line, I would suggest that whenever you see a Tesla, call the cops and complain about erratic driving on the vehicle’s behalf “like the guy behind the wheel was playing video games”. With enough complaints, the brand will be banned from the roads.

Ah... I see what happened. Elon Musk heard an ethnic joke... the one about how certain Asian nationalities name their kids by dropping a fork... Musk took a cue from that and named his kid by dropping a keyboard and arranging the keys that popped off.

LOL, with regards to the “correction”, the dude from Alabama is just a grafted specimen of Florida Man, rather than a native specimen.

This is just silly. The real problem is that here in the US, at least three mildly different strains of COVID-19 are circulating - one from Italy, one from France and one from China, compounded by the fact that the Italian strain made two entries into the country on opposite coasts. There is no “maybe it mutated to be

No guns means it is just pretending to be a tank, just like he pretends to be a musician or a celebrity.

I was going to give you hell for not knowing that a classic 1950's Vespa is also considered a scooter (and way the heck better than the rest of the list), but then I noticed this wasn’t even a Jalopnik article, so why would you know any better? LOL

I think we know what the real solution will end up being.... Both! :D

The problem isn’t so much the price as it is the color you get for that price. I never understood why anyone would ever paint a car “split pea mustard puke” and expect good money after ruining a car by painting it that color.

On a side note, good job missing out on the fact that she was fired because some of her porn was done in her work uniform AND filmed on dealership property (including an absurdly identifiable restroom). Not your fault, though. It was well buried in the buzzfeed article in an effort to prop up a victim narrative angle

The actual correct answer is “whatever has a properly working top” as you’ll have to put the roof up for like 3-4 months every year when the rainy season hits.

Want to have fun? Harass the dealership with press questions about the other parties involved until the guy who exposed her gets fired.

LOL. I’m surprised the Ford headline wasn’t Rivan took the money and ran.

Ahhh, the plaid wrap.... The EV truck equivalent of rolling coal. And maybe a cheaper modification, too. :D

Yep. I almost ran down a dumbass on a bike the other day. It was well after dark, on an unlit roadway, his bike did not have the legally required lighting (nor even basic damned reflectors), he wasn’t wearing the proper reflective clothing (dumbass was dressed in black at night) and even though the roadway has

Most states require bike riders to follow the same rules of the road as motor vehicles. The failure is not holding bike riders to the same standards as motorists, such as identification requirements or seizing transportation. Philadelphia demonstrated this failure is often a state level legislative issue rather than a

He did explain the pedestrian deaths with “generally act like entitled asshats”.