
That first image, GM called and wants its early design drawings for the SSR back. But then they shut up because they were afraid the second image would remind people what they did with Holden. But then Mercedes cleared its throat and pointed at the third photo, demanding you stop cribbing from the Unimog. And there is

Augh! I’ve been had! I came into this expecting social commentary about people dressed inappropriately in public (like the people who insist on going shopping on pajamas and slippers - they’re no longer limited to Walmart!) and I get a long, dragged out, web commercial for Old Navy instead. Why even bother with the

Augh! I’ve been had! I came into this expecting social commentary about people dressed inappropriately in public

Ummm.... He was speaking of population, not geography. The US is the third most populous country on the planet, following only China and India. And both those nations have at least 4 times the US population (makes you wonder what coronavirus horror stories India has been covering up at this point!) Indonesia is #4

Let me fix that headline for you: “US Honestly Reports Having More Coronavirus Deaths Than Any Country in the World”.

You aren’t allowed to have a speedometer in Roman Numerals unless you also install an odometer that measures distance in stadia.

I dunno, but it was a fairly interesting comic book back in the 1990's.

I just want to say, your post includes a number of key facts that are the reason why current medical opinion leans toward the human brain being the last part of the body to fully mature in the mid-to-late 20's age bracket. It is almost like doctors are declaring they can’t tell if your brain has matured until you know

On a totally offtopic side note, this article educated me on why train collisions as a form of entertainment was a mere fad while car collisions—, I mean, auto racing is still a form of entertainment. The Feds made it illegal. To quote: “Moreno is facing federal charges of train wrecking”.

Nothing as convoluted as nipple rings, sorry. Cuomo had to block as many orifices as possible to ensure the daily BS only flows from his mouth. Considering the “medical advice” halfassery many East Coast governors are putting their belief in, I’m sure he believes this blockage is a sound medical decision, too.

I’m kind of surprised this wasn’t simply a list of the various TV series. Gundam has been around for 40 years and has at least enough TV series to make a list of 10 series to start watching. That said.... this list is wrong. A lot of these “great places to start” are midway points in various story arcs. War in the

I hope other readers realize... what we see going on right now with the movie rescheduling, that same thing will soon be happening with television as social distancing causes problems with production.

Sonoda did a fair bit of anime design back then. There was also all the stuff from the Gall Force series, Sol Bianca, Wanna-Be’s, and mechanical design on Wings of Honneamise. IIRC, the last bit of work he did in animation was on SoltyRei like 15 years ago. Running the family confectionary got in the way, but he

Most developers get around that “one unit, one vote” by starting the HOA with bylaws that give them tens of votes per property or unit in their possession, even if it is just an empty lot.

A lot of HOAs are actually run by the land developers rather than the local residents. It takes a pretty long time before residents actually have any control.

Not belonging to one is not truly a strategy in many communities. Many municipalities have the necessary rules on the books to allow the conversion of older, “open” neighborhoods to be converted into HOA communities. My neighborhood is more than 60 years old, but a few years ago some newbs moved in and tried to start

Once you pay the fine, at the very least the clock starts over on a new $1000 limit.

Well, if Karma hears about this, we know precisely what will happen: One (or preferably all) of the HOA board members will come down with the coronavirus and this family will be all like “but we were told not to park it here, and seeing how unreasonable you were, I have no doubt you’ll go back on your word if we loan

Problem with this correlation is the confusion of luck with intelligence.

“He now claims that he’s in the process of converting one of his factories to manufacturing these devices”

That was the very first thing I noticed - the photoshopping nonsense with which they’re attempting to sell these. Then I see that magical word in the article - kickstarter. Meaning this isn’t an article, it is an advertisement, and this is shilling what isn’t even a real product as of yet.