
With the dead flash fiasco at DC -- I mean, Tesla, I suspect all the IEA’s numbers will be changing for the worse in a year or two. People are going to start realizing electrification is ungodly expensive, especially once the bottom fall out of the used electric vehicle market. Which is going to happen once people

I don’t even get why “story burn” is even an issue. The Green Arrow has been around on paper since 1941 - just shy of 80 years. There’s no reason why any supers show with that kind of paper back catalog to work from should EVER have to worry about “story burn”.

I’m just curious as to how many homes had to burn down before they chose to tell people to stop charging their bikes at home.

We NJ residents have a saying: “Wait, Rutgers has football?”

Dude gave himself away with the comment about not knowing what petrol is. Tesla was going to win before he even got both cars staged for filming the intro.

Nearly ran into one of those Mustang-owning idiots today. Or... the car was getting hungry as it kept slamming on the brakes and stopping in the middle of the road every time it came across a yard/tag sale.

Here is the secret to most of the investment firm: Buy a property, throw a little money at it for ‘fresh paint’ and ‘window dressing’ and sell for a profit as quickly as possible. Lukas was part of the “window dressing”. His boss getting a promotion was “fresh paint”.

Mr. Lukas is by far the clearest indicator of how screwed up management is at this point. Off again/on again meetings are bad enough, but if you’re in such a bad place that you have to lay off half the writing and production staff, you really should have known there were problems and not been hiring anyone less than

When you typed that post, were you thinking “’stupid ass’ mouth” or “stupid ‘ass mouth’”? Because where Schilling is involved both can be valid.

Your article title is a little too long. It should be “Donald Trump Doesn’t Know Shit Period”. Because the article points out he has more fundamental knowledge problems, like no grasp of various forms of science, starting with some of the most basic concepts of physics.

LOL. I read that first paragraph after being interrupted repeatedly and forgetting the title and I thought”They did a remake of 1993's Michael Douglas vehicle Falling Down, and this time around they’re worried about copycats? That was the movie that gave the phrase ‘Going Postal’ its first bit of real traction.”

Apparently, there is some sort of law that requires that slime to make a marketing comeback once per decade. It has done so each decade since the 1960's.

My first thought was “WTF, She looks way too much like that AOC nutcase.

More than 24 hours have passed and nobody offered you the “That’s what she said” award yet?

I used to work for a printing company that had a janitor who was in his 90's. He used to refer to a lot of things as “Colder than the nipple on a witch’s tit”. So I have for almost 30 years referred to the driving of a convertible with the top down as “Witch Tittering”. Though I later dated a witch and found out that

I can repeat it! Audi Crap. Because I have yet to meet an Audi that didn’t turn to crap within a few thousand miles. Doesn’t matter what numbers or letters they put after “Audi”, it is always pronounced “Crap”.

Dude needs to simply learn how to say “I drive a damned jet at 600 MPH as my freaking day job, how could anything stuck to the ground ever compare?”

Given the way the same unlicensed/suspended/revoked drivers seem to get stopped on LivePD week after week, nope, DMV licensing isn’t meaningful in the least. Occupational driver licensing is meaningless, too. In my state, all the power equipment used inside Amazon facilities requires state licensing, but when I worked

One a side note, a nearly identical accident occurred on I-95 in Philadelphia about a month later - a white Tesla plowed into the rear end of a fire truck on the highway responding to an accident. You might want to keep an eye out for the final report regarding that accident to look for similarities nobody else can be

If that’s your idea of “top-tier hoagies”, the rest of us will cry for you, even the ones who have no idea what the hell a hoagie is, even if they’ve eaten one as a sub, grinder, or any of the dozens of other regional names in this country.