
Police departments across the Midatlantic region would be able to fund themselves entirely based on revenue for writing tickets to people who park at the pumps in Wawa’s parking lots. And whatever is left over would go a long way in reducing local property taxes, too.

Huh. I believe that was actually the first time I’ve read an article written by someone intentionally trying to get fired due to their writing.

As far as I know, the oil companies are behind the 3,000 mile scheme. My Honda has a plate in the engine compartment indicating it needs the oil changed only every 7,500 miles. And that’s what I’ve stuck with since 1994.

Some fan you are, spending all that money to watch the movies on Netflix instead of buying the DVDs.

Prove those illnesses were caught AFTER they arrived in the US and you’ll have a point. Until then, you’re just trying to blow pointless smoke up your own hindquarters.

You’re numb to assorted idiocy? Thank you for explaining why you need to throw completely unrelated political digs into your story. You’re numb to your own idiocy and lack of professionalism.

LOL. All they need to sell those electric safari vehicles is the right tag line: “They’ll never hear you coming.”

Good luck with that. I have yet to actually encounter a USB cable on Amazon that’s actually capable of transferring data.

I worked in an Amazon warehouse for extra Christmas money a few years ago. I swear someone was attempting to buy a Jeep Wrangler piece by piece while I was working there. I handled about a quarter of the parts as either a picker or packer over the course of about 6 weeks. Everything from rims to body panels to light

I’ll just point out that “digital camera box full of rocks” scam that hit the big time on Youtube about a year or so ago was done via FBA.

LOL. My first thought was “390 cu. in.” was the minimum airflow being sucked into the scoop, making it akin to the “stay clear” labels they put in front of the intakes on jet aircraft.

To be fair, I suspect they director saw the antenna snap off and thought “Well hell, that would be an even better ending” and made it so.

Ah, man... I know people who would buy a bumper sticker inspired by that GIF. It would say “I teabag for Jesus.” And I know other people who would buy one that says “I teabagged Jesus.” And I know at least three people who would actually buy both.

And more than 12 hours later, it still stands uncorrected. Caught me off guard, claiming the yen is worth more than 9 1/2 dollars. Maybe the dude has been busy writing for Kotaku while research a new Japanese booze book.

How are you shocked when solar roadway do not generate sufficient power to do so? ;3

Here in Southern NJ, PSE&G installed tens of thousands of telephone pole mounted solar panels. The network overall does generate sufficient power to offset the nighttime power usage of street lights across the company’s service area in the state. So in theory, solar panels over the roads my not be the horror story you

The purpose of an experiment is not to discover knowledge, but rather to prove or disprove a theory. In this case, the experiment was valuable for proving that the theories regarding failure were indeed correct.

So you’re saying that if the wind blew in your face right this instant, it is pushing equally hard on a tree it blew past 5 minutes ago and a couple miles away? I suspect you are misunderstanding physics. The windmill pushes back against the wind with equal force to the wind pushing against it. This is the thing

There have already been some small scale experiments using vertical wind turbines mounted in the center divider of a highway (in the UK, IIRC)maybe 6 or 8 years ago. The results were pretty dismal. They couldn’t even generate enough power to run a few overhead street lights on a summer night.

Don’t dump on the French government. Thank them. Someone had to throw some money at the issue to definitively prove the concept will not work. Between this and the idiocy of that public square in Minnesota, I hope this concept is thoroughly dead at this point and nobody will throw more money away trying to pursue it.