
If that’s true, you can tell me exactly when my computer last had anything to say. So by all means, prove to the world your microphone prowess. And once you’ve done that, I’ll prove you wrong by exposing the other great secret of my unconnected XP box.

LOL. And you’re a shill and not particularly bright. If nothing goes on or off the box, it is an isolated system and thus immune to any and all viruses, worms, and malware until such time as it once again gets networked.

LOL. I can’t keep up? What do you think this is, Mario Kart? Oh, wait, you like to call yourself a plumber...

LOL. My XP box is completely immune to this virus. It doesn’t connect to the internet or  local or household network, so there is no means for the virus to propagate to it.

Call me an idiot all you want, but by going Android, I had about $700 I got to spend on things other than the last smartphone I bought, and my phone can pretty much do anything your iPhone can. Maybe the “i” stands for “idiot”?

I’ve been snared in them twice in recent years. They are a HUGE waste of the public’s time. One had me waiting for 90 minutes, the second had me waiting for FOUR HOURS.

Obviously, they only did it to make the trailer towing easier. All you gotta do is duck a bit to work with the chains, rather than trying to crawl around on your belly while reaching under the car.

All that screaming, you’d expect the front of their pants to be soaked...

So... you’re telling the world you’re short on crayons, wits, and a fifth grade education. Well, no wonder you call yourself a plumber.

Meh. If these whining casual fans had any clue, they’d think nothing of it, because Volstagg.

As someone paid to write, you really should know your idea of “a lot of Post-It notes” is sorely lacking. That’s like two days worth of Post-It notes for me, and that’s only because I put a lot of my notes in text files.

All I’m going to say is... if a local theater gets the idea to do a mini-marathon of this back-to-back with the anime flick, I’ll buy tickets.

In other news, Harrison Ford announced that after roughly half a century working in the movies, he still has no clue how Hollywood works.

I wonder.... If Disney+ is going to be built upon the technological bones of Hulu.

LOL. I know, right? How dare they call it “Free” and slap a $140 price tag on it.

Why are you asking me questions regarding your genetic shortcomings? Also, if you don’t want to be called on making threats, don’t talk about your guns. Also, I can see why you have issues now. You’re a self-proclaimed “fucking plumber”. Obviously, you’re using the wrong tool on the pipes, pervert.

Of course you’ve had no complaints. They hire a plumber to fix the problem properly, not a home builder. And if a home builder like you has the reputation of the ones around here, then you wouldn’t get calls to correct something that your business screwed up; you’d get a class action lawsuit. Also, rocket boy, the

One important thing to remember is when it comes to vehicle classification, the US military will always do its own thing, driven by how to squeeze a vehicle’s procurement into the budget. The WW2 era Jeep was classified as a truck, while the earlier Bantam-manufactured vehicles were initially classified as liaison

In his next article, Tom will discuss that time a dealership swatted him. :D

Still got my landline. It was useful a few years ago when a storm blew through and knocked down hundreds of trees and all the cellphone towers in the immediate area. Plus the power was out for most of a week, so no recharging the cellphone. But the landline worked he entire time. Yeah, cleaning and restocking the