
How much range does does the average campsite dinner cost? I notice it uses a pair of induction burners (electric) rather than the camp standard propane and no extra battery capacity.

Stay away from the five year gap? But I want to see Hawkeye’s fall from grace and Ronin rise in his place.

Shouldn’t the headline be “When David Tracy Has a Jeep Fever Dream”?

Only times I don’t check the side view mirror before opening the door is when I park in my own driveway or when I park in a parking lot. And If I door check you in a parking lot, you deserve it because that means you’re riding around like a disruptive a-hole looking for trouble. Which happens frequently in the last

The real story here is that Epic’s storefront is sorely behind the times. The back end programming is “all or nothing,” where everything is on sale or nothing is on sale. Those who don’t participate have their products shut off and unavailable for the duration of the sale. This is the way of retail site design circa

Toilets forced by law to use less water in a single flush again get their revenge. Those low flow/low water volume toilets are fine for urine, but once you have more solid business to deal with, they fail.

Nothing like using that very last paragraph to scream at us “I’m a poser who hasn’t spent a single minute of my life flipping through a comic book, let alone reading one!”

Huh. This went so under the radar I hadn’t even realized there was yet another new tick series, and I am a Tick nerd (bought into all the comics way back in the 1990's!). Well, at least it is complete so I can binge watch the whole thing.

.... I just want to see one damned photo of that thing with the doors open, because they don’t look like the gull wing or scissor types. Such an immense amount of interior space was lost to that body design...

I gave you a star for totally living up to your nick. LOL

Thing is, upgrading the suspension was never this moron’s aim. It was all about getting a “fresh look.

My back seat floorboards get like that from time to time. It is a long and busy week for it to get like that, though. And no matter what sort of waste storage contraption I try, none of them really does the job well in a motor vehicle... Except that huge box I had in the front passenger foot well. That worked wonders.

The next trick for Netflix to pull is adding a user-controlled account suspension mode. So users can suspend the account and billing while they spend some time utilizing some other streaming service. Netflix will stand once again as king of the heap by acknowledging that the public in general will not be able to

It is far, far more complicated than that. They patented certain genes. They then sued farmers near their test facilities because cross-pollination occurred due to either natural travels of bees they were using or the wind blowing pollen in just the right direction. And it should be noted that A LOT of the genetic

Color me unsurprised. New neighbors moved in. They use roundup like heavy-handed, stumbling, drunken priests sprinkling the holy water. In that time, I have had three dogs in a row die of cancer. They were the first dogs we’ve had die of cancer in the better part of 60 years of consistent multiple dog ownership

So... Moral of the story is “when the plane is stuck on the tarmac for hours, the crew gets just as grumpy as you. But remember that they can call the law on you for being snippy, but not the other way around.”

Totally off topic, but it just dawned on me... Might be time for people selling used cars to declare when they’ve been used for Uber and Lyft, just like they’re supposed to inform you a vehicle was formerly part of a rental fleet or government motor pool.

Ah, man, that first photo... I see a turretless British Ferret and a Soviet era BRDM-2 and get jealous all over again about how the Brits can own and drive military armored vehicles mostly like they would regular cars.

This is just lazy work. If they really wanted to delve into the esoteria, they could further break down the data according to accident type. Imagine if they did the work and exposed that drunk drivers preferred a particular vehicle model or styling. No, just do the bare minimum to qualify the material for a

To keep you on message... or maybe it counts as proselytizing, you should compare the road trip with the ranger to the road trip with the rust buck - I mean, $500 postal Jeep, and let us know where the jeep outshines the Ranger. :D