
Another tidbit: A total of 47 examples were delivered prior to the AC-130J between 1966 and 2016 - somewhat less than 1 per year overall average.

How exactly is an aircrew of 13 less than an aircrew of 1?

Ah... That photo exposes Torchinsky’s secret plot! He wants the A-10s scrapped so he can strap a GAU-8/A to that yellow beetle of his...

LOL. This... gnat as a replacement for the A-10? Take two of these and load them up to their full takeoff weight. Congrats, you just reached the 16,000 lb payload capacity for the A-10 (not including the 30mm gun pod, fuel or crew!)

You’ll probably be more surprised to find out they made it into every armored personnel carrier as well, along with a substantial number of reconnaissance vehicles and logistical vehicles. The British WILL have their afternoon tea, dammit!

I live in a “front plate required” state. What annoys me is one street in my neighborhood is absolutely filled with dirtbags who instead of properly hanging their front plate, put an inch-wide strip of blue painter tape across the plate holder. No front plates in the front windshield or anything, and the state-issued

Yep. That half-assed service/repair system is a major detractor for me considering any Tesla vehicle purchases. If I went out and bought a Pinto right now, and someone rear ended it to the point of explosion/inferno, I’d at least be able to go right out and find parts to get it into running order again in fairly short

You should take a close look at whatever taxes are involved in your litre pricing. Over here, a lot of the price fluctuation from area to area involves the state and federal taxes that apply.

A really good question you raise is.... How did you order a Model 3 last quarter and already get the vehicle delivered, well ahead of the tens of thousands of poor fools who plopped down hard cash as a deposit well in advance of release? That’s just another example of the horrible mismanagement Tesla endures.

Good lord... Does this idiot not know how an insurance company works? They are listed on the stock market as a buttress against the claims filed against the policies they issue. Used to be insurance companies were big investment players on the stock market for the same reason (IMHO, the change from investor to listed

I would like to see a mathematical justification of how Tesla plans to go from (as far as I know) ZERO self-driving taxis on the road today to ONE MILLION a year from now when they’re lucky if they can manage to build 100,000 cars a quarter.

But the fact that the theorists are attempting to pass it off as the way things got done actually does make it pseudoscience in this regard. I will concede that they sort of got the theory right with the Moai heads - they obviously dug a huge pit to drop the heavy end in, since most of the statues are underground and

Horribly, HORRIBLY flawed thinking. There is ZERO evidence to even suggest this was the way things were done. These idiots used poured concrete shaped in forms - not stone carved out of a quarry (perhaps the most fatal flaw in their... theory). Additionally, the final products, be they Moai heads, Celtic plinths, or

What’s with the white vans? Easy. Pretty much as nondescript as the black vans, and everyone knows the pedobears and government agents already have dibs on the black ones.

Well, there’s one warning label that won’t require a lawsuit to get placed.

WTF kind of Volkswagen Beetle have you been driving? The Power Wheels branded one? That blob is nowhere near the size of a Beetle.

Capitalism at work.... well, I guess I should by a chunk of ground over the route of these tunnels, makes sure I obtain all the mineral/underground rights, and when the tunnel goes through, charge a tool for each vehicle that passes through. :D

Ehhh... Everything Musk does is aimed at driving Tesla success. The only exception is SpaceX and even then, he still managed to use it as an advertising gimmick by launching that roadster. This tunneling nonsense is just another gimmick - Buy a Tesla and drive in our ‘congestion free’ tunnels!

There needs to be a correction made. The sentence: “I could write a whole essay on those guys, but I don’t want to get too off-track here.” needs to be changed to “ could write a whole essay on those guys, but the bosses won’t cut a check for those articles.

I thought the secret was after the first few, just “watch them for things that go boom, not things that go vroom.”