
LOL. I’ve seen discarded tires float on one of my local creeks. I can’t imagine them being used to make an artificial reef without doing massive structural damage to them first. Locally, on the county level, they collect old tires and shred them for use as a roadbed material. And they collect enough annually to

He’s talking about this thing called shoplifting. Hell, Live PD caught footage of a retail thief with so much stolen goods in the car when it was pulled over, the stolen goods were worth more than the damned late model Camaro they were in. Retail stores realized the secret to balancing the books isn’t spending more on

No rednecks were harmed DURING the filming of this video. If some of them hurt themselves by laughing too much afterward, or the pickup driver ‘had words’ with the VW driver, that is a different issue.

And despite all this money grubbing, I still cannot think of a single stadium built since the turn of the century that has ever paid off its debt to the city.

Check regularly, change according to vehicle manufacturer specs. My Honda requires a change every 7500 miles. The regular oil checks are done just to make sure there are no unexpected issues cropping up, which can be seen in the oil color and density, any debris, etc. Problem is, most people don’t bother with checking

Well, I now know what the April Fool’s Day prank at the Kotaku office space will be... the mysterious bubbling sound.

When much of the wildlife has a reputation of just barely coming up short of killing you with a dirty look, there really is little in the way of difference between “Oh, I’m in Australia” and “Something demonic is afoot!”

You need to get with the times, man. The kids are right.The world doesn’t need books. Books are just a medium for storage. We needed them in 1950, but there be numerous alternatives now. Hell, one of the first viable alternatives to bulky paper books was microfilm and microfiche, which got their start in 1839. I bet

The springtime tree debris was on the road surface before the accident rather than falling as a result of the accident, thus the Lambo lost traction and control.

Dude.... You should take your opinion of British Rail and then, taking into consideration the stellar reputation it has compared to Amtrak, sit down and imagine how immensely horrible a typical train ride in the US must be.

It should be noted that most passenger rolling stock is in use almost constantly for a period of 3 to 5 YEARS before undergoing substantial cleaning and maintenance (often, any major maintenance tasks are taken care of roughly the same time they change the running gear, barring any insane things happening, like a

I don’t get why the dude doing the puns made the list. I’ve yet to meet a person who doesn’t have at least one friend that does that periodically. I know three people who pull that nonsense.

Tape isn’t going to help you hold a panel gap. You need something to act as a shim between them (lo and behold, I just exposed to you the exact reason why they can’t maintain panel gap - the ‘rocket scientist’ hasn’t figured out you need something in the gap to maintain the gap while the panels are being attached).

I think you need a dictionary so you can look up “cyberpunk” and “dystopia” if you think that bike is suitable for either, let alone both.

The error in your thinking is you think they rely exclusively on the information they generate within their own system regarding you.

No, I don’t build 5000 cars per week i my driveway. But if you divide the number of cars they produce by the number of employees, I’m fairly certain my production rate is by no means that far off. :P

LOL. You don’t have to drink the koolaid, but obviously, you haven’t been letting that particular fact stop you in any way, shape or form. And anybody who thinks smoking pot in an interview will boost his support is indeed an idiot.

I bet the daily $3,000 lunches for the executive staff did them in. That always seems to end up being the root cause. Fly-by-night executives just love spending way too much for lunch, claim they’re working and expense it to the company. On top of that, they stretch lunch out to about 5 hours, too. I saw this go on

Want fun? Do an article on Ferrari’s foray into military vehicles. The LM002 was, after all, built and primarily sold initially as a military utility vehicle. :D

Why does a Kia Telluride in Colorado have California plates? Or are those photos of a different Telluride in CA?