
Well, something had to give way to make room for Batwoman. I won’t be surprised if in coming months we find out Batwoman will be taking Arrow’s time slot come the end of the next crossover.

You left out “on the beaches of a frigid sea”....

Wait... That sounded A LOT like Tesla-speak for a Guardians of the Galaxy story of Nebula vs. Rocket Racoon.

1995 was the year when anything you stole with a Honda badge on it was pretty much guaranteed to have a VTEC engine in it. Before that, they only went after vehicles that specifically had the VTEC badging on it. I’m just glad that did a refresh on the body styling of the Accord the same year they did that.

The moral of this story is... Bribery to get your kid into a school is okay as long as the school is the entity that profits financially from the bribery.

Whenever one of these pops up, I am left wondering... “The consumption of exactly what recreational chemicals drove you to do this?”

They should have known there was going to be trouble when they gave a position of authority in The Sims to a guy named Simz. If it wasn’t this particular issue, he was going to cause problems some other way.

I’m disappointed. After hearing about “Mom’s Miata” I expected at least a paragraph or three detailing a test drive with Mom as the passenger and her viewpoint of the new car.

There is so much going wrong inside this company, I’m surprised they don’t just say their next car will be the Tesla Fisker and finally be done with trying to save Musk’s fortune. Everything they’ve done the last few years, from this, to the “funding secured” tweet, to preselling the 3 as a $35k vehicle has been

He’s in the game but not playing? Explains a lot.

Yep. Between the fact they didn’t do more engine work and they apparently did nothing to the tank (like adding a liner to seal it due to the obvious rust encroaching on it) means whomever gets conned into buying this is doomed to spend a small fortune keeping it in working order.

Shame they didn’t call it the “butt cut” when it got started in the early 1980's. It would have died far earlier.

People need to learn how to game the salesmen. Need to decide if the seats are comfortable or not? No real need for a test drive; just sit in the car for 2 or 3 hours. Really irritates the sales reps. :D

How appropriate that the news outlet have a call sign so close to WTF...

The hidden moral of the story is... if studios don’t want to see this sort of backlash, they really need to do a better job of controlling what comes out of the mouth of their stars and staffers; stop them from using the prerelease press junket as a personal soap box for whatever personal agenda their employers are

Dammit... Now I have dreams of a Transformers series done Thunderbirds/Captain Scarlet style...

You could have completely left out the phrase “Puck From” and still meant the exact same thing. LOL

What the hell, man? Didn’t anyone ever teach you that the phrase “dick jokes” and the word “beheadings” are never to be connected by the word “and”?

LOL. This is a fine example of why one should at least pay a little attention to other cultures around the globe. It is a decades old practice in Japan for people to wear those masks during the cold and flu season to both prevent oneself from getting sick as well as preventing one’s already unwell self from sickening

Lotta people mix up the T-62 and T-64. The T-64 was indeed “no export” aside from a couple Warsaw Pact nations in Europe. The Somewhat inferior T-62 was exported fairly heavily though. The Sovs developed and fielded quite a few tanks: T-54, -55, -62, -64, -72 and -80.