
We had a local town doing this, right down to encoding it as a municipal statute. Then they discovered the state has a law explicitly prohibiting the establishment of any traffic laws below the state level. What they attempted to do was establish some BS rules regarding crosswalks. They have since added these oddball

Those diagonal crossings freaked me out in the 1970's, when I was a kid and they were installing the first ones.

Maybe six months ago, I watched a kid texting on his bike ride right into a telephone pole. As a driver, I have learned to be aware of those around me with their head glued to their phones.

Never mind the fact that pedestrians and bicyclists in major cities in the US think traffic law only applies to motor vehicles...

Oshkosh makes quality equipment. The engine manufacturer, GM, does not. However, more astonishing is the fact that the HMMWV also had a Duramax of slightly less displacement (6.2L vs. the 6.6L in the JLTV, IIRC) which was infamous for its ability to “accumulate downtime.” This in turn makes one wonder which insane

One a side note, I realize now where your confusion is coming from.

The Lawrence PD should get all the dash and body cam footage, edit it all together and release it under the title of “Live PD is the top rated show on TV? Hold my beer...”

On a side note, the distance traveled by the Tesla Roadster IN SPAAAAAAACE is not legitimate. If you’re going to calculate mileage it hasn’t generated under its own power, then it will never catch up to the oldest surviving car on the planet, which has also been not only orbiting the sun but rotating on a pole axis

There is so much kissing up in this ridiculous article, Elon Musk absolutely has to be sitting in a spittle puddle by now.

Makes me wonder if the Tesla autopilot system just can’t make out anything bright. Two tractor trailer trailers in Florida, driving into a white garage in Korea, a collision with a white police vehicle in CA, and the rear end of a fire engine stopped on the highway in Philadelphia with the emergency lights spinning

I seem to only go to exceptions. Most of the places I’ve lived in the last 25 years did not want caps. Where I live now doesn’t want caps... AND I see a link to that “recycle styrofoam” story... yeah, that’s on the ‘do not recycle’ list for my town. And the grocery store bags, well, out waste disposal company changes

“as impressive as this snow plowing effort looks to out-of-staters like me—in Minnesota, it’s apparently not uncommon”

LOL. People are overlooking a very basic problem. Tesla works very hard at attempting to fool the public into believing Tesla involved accidents are an urban myth. And clearly documenting safety features or obviously labeling emergency releases do not fit into the “accidents are urban myths” narrative. Hell, look at

Seriously? Several former military bases in the area, including a former navy airfield along the bayside in Oakland, and the bridge is where you decide to do this nonsense stunt? You need a place for this, just watch a half dozen episodes of Mythbusters to get locations to scout out.

Putting drunken decisions aside, stuff happens unexpectedly. Parts get old and fail. About a month ago, I slammed on the brakes in my car hard enough to make the quarter century old brake rotor shatter. The system dumped the better part of 3 quarts of brake fluid on the roadway and all I had for a clue was a brief

No, I have it right. It was the franchise owner’s decision to put the pay scale on “waitress rates”. Had this been a corporate decision, we’d be hearing about hundreds of locations doing the same thing at the same time. Even if it was an experiment on the corporate level, it would have involved quite a bit more than a

I see. So your posting habits are based on reading the first sentence of any post and replying only to that.

I know exactly how this happened. A corporate location became a franchise location. And the franchise owner had no clue what he was doing since there were obvious violations of the law regarding minimum wage. That’s what happens when you sleep through the mandatory franchisee training most corporations provide.

Dude... the word you want is “taunt”, not “Tauntaun.”

Crock pot.... season? Haven’t you learned yet that with a decent extension cord (like one of those orange contractor ones) or an outside power receptacle, you can use the crock pot outdoors, making it crock pot year instead of crock pot season? This is the true wonder of electrical kitchen appliances - they can all be