
Let’s just hope the people in charge are going “That’s not a water mark; that’s an easter egg!”

The point being completely missed by those with the hater agenda is that Chris Pratt attends the church as a Christian. He isn’t showing up to push a divorce agenda on the parishioners. On the other hand, all these people whining “we can’t attend because this particular church seems to hate us” are whining because

Good lord, thank goodness I do computer repair and had a spare monitor screen for my laptop stocked, as that British jackass triggered me to punch my laptop screen and broke it when Youtube decided to not work when I clicked the stop button...

I guess most commenters haven’t had a window on their vehicle smashed out by errant balls of ice. There are assholes who like to throw chunks of ice rather than balls of snow. You never know when stopping and yelling at the snowballers will save someone from a traumatic head injury because one of them happens to be a

Huh. While I am not a bridge or roadway engineer, I have noticed it is basically standard practice to put the pylon directly beneath the junction of two segments of an elevated roadway, rather than a couple feet shy of that point. On a side note, those two elevated roadways in the background are going to undergo the

Those weather channel clowns give clowns and weatherpersons bad names. You want thundersnow? Visit the western part of New England; it happens several times every winter and has done so for decades.

Ummm.... You are aware that the blue SUV is not a Transformer, right? So the vehicle had no reaction. The person driving it probably looked at traffic in all four directions and decided “I better back up too because that’s bound to happen yet again in the next few moments.” And multiple accidents in a short span of

The most shocking revelation? A week’s worth of in-house production is insufficient to meet the total nationwide demand.

A long lost rules of auto mechanics - measure twice, install once. Too many people fall into the traps of item/product numbers and substitute recommendations. Always measure the parts that come out and the replacement parts going in to make sure they are exact or at least within  a fairly small variation.

That car is what happens when Frogger gets run over too many times in the video game and finally decides to possess the last car that hit him. As if that Saturday morning cartoon they did on CBS decades ago wasn’t insane and creepy enough. :D

A Miata or a Mini? So.... Something that fits in the space underneath provided by the lift kit? :D

Man... Now I want to get some paint and stencils and label some parking spots at the far reaches of the grocery store parking lot as the “Pavement Princess Throne Room”

Hmmmm.... In the first sentence... “6.6-liter Duramax turb-diesel V8". I can’t tell. Did you misspell turd-diesel or turbo-diesel... Though with Chevrolet, you often cannot tell the difference in the long run.

Amusing. So focused on the danger of tow balls, they don’t even bother to mention that a broken tow strap can easily be just a dangerous... and fatal.The navy has a long history of such fatal accidents. Let the Army teach you to do a recovery from the mud correctly - use a tracked armored vehicle weighing at least 30

I see a 3000GT every now and again, but... it has been years since I’ve actually seen one running instead of being up on blocks.

Letters after your name don’t always mean much. Case in point (and your own direct quote from this guy): “The second problem is that most engines are constructed of aluminum these days which has a much higher coefficient of thermal expansion than the old cast iron structures. Thus, under extremely cold conditions

Banks collect more interest on your money (for themselves) the longer they are able to keep it unavailable. When they pay you interest on your money, it is only a small chunk of the revenue your money is earning for them.

Heck, with one guy trying to get his money out for months prior to the supposed death, that sprays all kinds of fishy stink on the situation.

Isn’t your second sentence (“And it is in need of way better color grading.”) a common critique of Marvel’s films? :D

I know how you feel... That horrid cold mess was like the write, cast and crew were going by some wikipedia page instead of actually reading the comic book... and I say that not having read any current Moon Knight stuff in at least 20 years...