
They do these tests sooooo wrong. No way I’ve bumped an alloy rim against a curb with 23 tons of force. And yet, the rim broke in very much the same way as that first rim they pressed.

Now you know why buses stop at railroad crossings. The government already knows crossing signals are a farce and they require buses to stop and check for a train to reduce the mass casualty incidents. And in a lot of places, truck are required to stop as well, to reduce possible mass explosion incidents.

If the midengine Corvette is a thing, it should be badged the “Corvette Super Fiero”.

The 181 was sold in Indonesia as the VW Camat, so those very well could be locally procured civilian vehicles modified to meet military needs.

This is why so many cities have issues with motorcycle and ATV riders. They seize the vehicle, see a bonus revenue stream, and auction the bike or ATV. Because there is essentially nothing to act as a check or balance, the buyer is often the person it was seized from. Or the previous owner is in the audience to follow

See, time for everyone to learn the all important lesson. When electrical things fail, the electricity causes the items to release blue smoke. When too much blue smoke gets released all at once, you get blue light as well. As for the humming, well, that’s what electrical things do, working o otherwise.

Reminds me of some of those youtube videos of people driving around in Russia. Further east you go, the fewer people on the road. Almost like they turn into shrubs and trees as they go. :D

How disappointing. Between the article and the comments, I see no mention of the Office Max version. :P

I used to do this with old airfields. However, Google Earth is not your friend. Try using instead. There, the earliest aerial photography for my area dates back to the 1930's.

Wow. My reply would have been “So your parents dropped you on your head too many times as a baby and your constituents still opted to elect you?” Good lord, forget the wall along the Mexican border, we need a wall around Georgia to keep this politician there. How this guy managed to get re-elected REPEATEDLY since

Nice, except... pretty much fake. Every time the truck moves, it follows the sound of the driver revving the diesel engine. That Tesla is just spinning its wheels.

Sorry, but that should be “IN Soviet space, the Iron Curtain hangs YOU!”

Dude needs to interview his neighbors to see what they think is going on every time he makes a mess of the driveway.

I dunno... Should this article be referred to as fake news or false advertising? I’m still waiting for seven Jeeps I never knew existed to be listed. I already knew about everything covered in this article.

My local rinky dink little post office still had a pair of DJs as of about 5 years ago. They converted to the Grumman LLVs about 1990 or so. The DJs (which never seemed to actually go anywhere) finally vanished when the delivery fleet was transferred to centralize operations at a different facility on the opposite

LOL. Someone with the word “lemon” in his nick talking about Japanese visual novels. You don’t need to say anything else to establish your credibility to critique the game. :D

LOL. You do realize that there is one person in the room for whom it isn’t a joyous occasion... Almost like the wedding is there to remind the priest he can never be married. Hell, he can’t even hook up with one of the bridesmaids for a good, celebratory shag...

We learned the hard way when my drug addicted sister died - always make your donation to the church by check and schedule the service for Saturday, so if (or far too more likely, when) the priest screws up and turns what should be a peaceful send off into an idiotic bible thumping recycle of an old Sunday sermon, you

Incorrect. If there was any truth to what you claim, there wouldn’t be any copyright on anything performed. Which would mean no copyrights on TV shows, movies or music. Even then, well... The label owns the copyright to the musical performance it releases on albums, but the musicians own the performance they do on

I hear a whole lot of whining, but I see one very grim overlooked fact - this grandmother was locked up for MONTHS and her family quite clearly was NOT EVEN AWARE she was missing. Maybe had they bothered with, I don’t know, filing a missing person report, “2+2" would have been connected far quicker.