
omg this is a comic book show whee people shoot arrows, kill people and not kill people, massage the truth, and get injected with super drugs,books written in ghost ink, a show where we are told (never really shown in-depth) about Sara's training, see one montage of Thea's training and say yay she is an awesome

No. I think a lot of the critique I see of Laurel is really rather sexist and only works from Oliver's standpoint. I mean she really has been screwed over by this guy, her sister, and life in multiple ways. Now, I do think she (esp. in season 1) can be/was incredibly boring.

So I am so late, but how can the girl be Sandra Hawke? I mean Connor Hawke is a character of color (white, from Oliver, and Black, and Asian, from his mother) and while sometimes the make white characters, characters of color, rarely do the whiten characters of color. So yeah, I doubt it is Sandra, or at least it

Forget the daddy issues speech; more interesting was the (heavily, not subtle) racially coded speech he gave at the end. Is it troublesome that some of the most interesting and provocative things being said about race, particularly about Black folks and their relationship to white folks and whiteness, on tv is coming

My gripe, as I said, is that it is mentioned on a weekly basis; after awhile, it gets old, and the economy of words here is crucial; for instance, if we deleted the Alias comparisons, maybe the reviewer would have delved more into other things going on in the show. And no, it is really that hard to talk about a show

Ugh, how I wish this reviewer had not watched Alias. I mean dear god it seriously almost a weekly thing where they compare the two shows. As I have never seen Alias, nor do I plan to anytime soon, I don't give a flying fig about what the two have in common. I mean I get if you are sitting around with your friends and

Ugh, how in the hell do you talk about Friends and not acknowledge that Living Single did it first? Typical columbusing.

I say that because we must remember that they would not have called the baby intersexed then, we do that now, and now we would allow an intersexed child choose. Hormones and genetics alone does not determine if a child is a boy or girl.

Although for the record, even what Bill suggested would not be considered best; now we believe intersexed folk should decide for themselves.

How does this reviewer do exactly what Lafayette railed against, side-line his story to privilege the white heterosexuals. I don't know who she watched with, but everyone I spoke to didn't give a damn about J&J, we were all about Lafayette's epic speech. A speech, given all that has been flying around lately in the

at best a B- I was so bored for half of it

maybe i am alone but seriously this was a B- for me

who said that was all I got? but hey if you want to eat it all up, go ahead and lap up the BS and act as if there was no other way for them to give Margot more agency and shading.

Oh I think it did; just not the right kind for me, which is okay because at the end of the day it isn't my show.

ok read and no, still not okay with it:

i will; i did post this all prior to his interview.

re: #1: But that is precisely one of the excuses used to have lesbian characters sleep with males, for procreation; so no, it doesn't escape the cliche or stereotype. If they didn't want to deal with the book version (b/c let's be honest some of Harris' work that gets into the queer and trans territory is sketchy at

I am not saying it is unheard of; what I am speaking to is a trope. See my point #3 in the comment below.

1) Just because someone is a gay man, that does not give me confidence that they will do right by a lesbian.
2) They have made changes from the story, they could have eliminated the baby plot line of Margot completely or went about it differently.
3) Having a lesbian sleep with a man for a baby is not new, has been

I dunno