
okay lemme check; i know it may seem small but it does affect how i am viewing the show. :)

So i just double checked episode 2 and nope, Augie just stages that he is Latino.

Omg rimming. I tell a guy, "I don't want to go all the way anal tonight," he rims and i am like, "just put the condom on and take it." Yas gawd for rimming.

Yes, as I said before, for me the characterization of Richie and Augie are the most interesting to me, and the become infinitely more interesting when they are not interacting with Patrick.

You may be right about the second episode, but I remember it just being that he was Latino and therefore couldn't be racist against Richie. I remember thinking this because I noticed that the writers allowed the Latino person to be the first person to speak to racial and ethnic stereotypes as a way to grant permission

Well firstly I don't recall anyone asking that the character suffer for it; who is asking that? Secondly, I would kindly suggest (and I do mean kindly, I am not trying to be snarky here and unfortunately online commenting comes across as more snarky than discourse building) that your comment actually falls into place

One thing I have stated is that I enjoy the Richie-Augie scenes; I think that scene said a lot and did a lot; in this country we have a tendency to lump all latinos together, but Latino is not a monlithic culture or identity. The show did point out how Richie coming from a Mexican background has differences from A.

"Now that it’s clear Patrick waspish refusal to address culture and class is deliberate, the least I can do is bring them up for discussion."