
Honest question: I never install antivirus software on my linux installs because it feels largely unnecessary. Say I were going to set up a linux install for a relative who wasn’t very tech savvy though. What antivirus solution would you recommend? (I mean, aside from the obvious things like setting them up without

Personally, I think paid mods is a wonderful idea if it’s done right. Skyrim is the biggest example of how *not* to implement things. In any case, the hard line engraved into the concrete with a wand of fire is this: the content in the mod MUST be entirely original, or properly licensed (ie, permission obtained in

I’d be perfectly OK for this, if it wasn’t for the existence of Earthbound, a game published by Nintendo, with a *major character* (one of the only 4 party members in the game) named “Poo” by default, and canonized as “Poo” in all of his cameo appearances across the Smash Bros. series. Nintendo clearly should take no

I find that modern games which create their *own* limitations in visual style tend to feel the most creative to me. Take Little Big Planet with its playful sock puppet characters, or Minecraft with its intentionally low-resolution textures and simplistic models. Introducing constraints helps an artist to be creative

FFX was one of my favorite takes on the action bar concept for all the right reasons, and it did so by eliminating the “action” part entirely. I don’t think any other game in the series made it quite so obvious how effective a simple Haste spell really was; it very much turns the tides of battle in your favor. (Or out

The next best thing is to download the ISO (or use the media creation tool to make a flash drive) and use that, instead of relying on Windows Update’s version. For whatever reason, we seem to have the most trouble with the downloader, but doing an in-place upgrade using the latest disc rarely has the same problems. (I

I was not aware of the wizard thing! That is very cool; I went for the super spiky haircut at start, and now I’m regretting it a year later.

I remember Fate of Atlantis. I never could get past the damned snake as a young kid though; I should go re-find that and see if I fare any better as an adult.

I’m willing to forgive a *ton* here due to the circumstances of this game (seriously, the amount of love and dedication from this one developer is beyond ridiculous) but I agree with you so far. They feel very achievement-y, like a trophy to earn, without any real conflicts to solve.

It would; however, there’s a very good chance that dive was a *dignity* dive. He didn’t bother trying to readjust downstairs until he had concealment, very likely because he was fully aware the cameras were rolling, and was trying not to have exactly this article get written.

For not being a programming expert, that explanation is pretty spot on.

What I want to know is, how patched are the games? Do the glitches still exist in them? What about things like the whirlpool bug, where you could keep DV training pokemon past level 100 by putting them into a PC, then pulling them out again so their stats would recalculate? (And how on EARTH do they plan to up-convert

I’ll be very surprised if it still exists; I strongly suspect the games will have the their glitches patched out.

I’m not so sure on polygons; sure Link and the main characters all have higher quality modeling (this is plain from screenshots) but the levels themselves still look fairly bland and polygonal. Then again, they looked like that in the original; even on the Wii it was easy to spot the polygons in the scene geometry.

I mean, with that logic, you can’t cook on a stovetop, or in an oven, or over an open flame. All of those things are just “heating” too.

That looks like a *very* good port. It’s nicely upscaled, but faithfully recreates the look and feel of the original scenes. Is there video of it in motion? I’m considering picking it up.

Cloth is kind of weird though, as it refers to any length of fabric. It’s kind of already plural, in a way. Like a half-plural, which doesn’t make any sense. Does it specifically need to refer to one contiguous piece of fabric? If not, then it’s probably fine the way it’s used. English is weird.

When I was younger, the prevailing logic among my (remember kids, *Junior High*) peers was that if you didn’t like girls, then you must be gay. This was so entirely absolute that the thought of being asexual didn’t even cross my mind until my college years. “Gee, that’s a thing?”

This interpretation is awesome. I love how it could also very reasonably be considered a phase. I went through several of those myself in high school; I tried very, very hard to be straight (even maintaining a 9 month relationship with a girl, one of my best friends) before finally giving up and admitting to the world

Aww! I spent *countless* hours in high school watching GT videos for games I would otherwise never get to experience. It was my favorite way to keep up with the scene when I couldn’t afford to buy the games myself very often.