
I'm completely backwards on this one I guess. I thing Gen 3 was my *favorite* generation so far, at least until X and Y came out. Part of that is just that it has the best music in the series imho, and having to move from that to Diamond and Pearl was painful. The composer for 4th gen was so flat; he didn't bring any

I just wish that Alpha and Omega let us dress up more Pokémon than just Pikachu. Maybe one day we'll be able to dress more Pokémon up as little rockstars or nerds, but for now they're limiting this mechanic to Pikachu, as it is the most iconic Pokémon of them all. I imagine that the prospect of creating articles of

If you see the item in the aisle, typically it's a package with more than one. (A 6-pack of bottles of Dr. Pepper, vs. a single bottle in the checkout lane.) Different barcodes for the packaging difference makes this possible.

In Smash Run, you and up to three other nearby players (or AI opponents) spend five minutes running around a big map, defeating NPC monsters and opening treasure chests as you collect stat boosts for the character of your choice. Once those five minutes are up, you take those stat boosts to a randomly-determined

This took me a while to find. To switch back to the old Start Screen, Right-Click on the taskbar and click on Properties. Under the new Start Menu tab is the option.

According to Riot Games, experiences like mine are not the norm, despite what many in the community think.

This was due to a design flaw on the circuit board. Powering on (or off) would send a brief power surge to the cart on some of the lines typically used for saving, as the voltage regulators kicked in and did their thing. This would frequently disrupt the (then common) battery backed save systems, causing them to

And this children is why you rotate and THEN translate. Never in the reverse order.

I presume because there is no way, otherwise, for Nintendo to check and see if the card is valid. I don't know the specifics here, so someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the only way to be certain that a card is valid is to attempt an authorization with a dollar amount.

You mean it's not the 5 hours after consuming my 5 hour energy?

Hrm... I suppose you're right. The target demographic still seems to largely be folks in their teens though, non? Or am I missing the bigger picture when it comes to bored housewives and iPads?

I worked in computer sales, and I was yelled at more than a few times for selling my customer a device that didn't work. Which is really quite unfair when you think about it; all *I* have to go on as a salesman is the demo device (which works brilliantly, most of the time) and reviews. With the exception of Sony

I think the coolest thing about this is that goat simulator *can* exist. It went from trailer to concept to $10 steam game in the course of what, a couple of months? And that was it. No big studio, no publisher shenanigans, just make a game and sell it to the masses immediately.

Seems like, given the programmatical limitation of not being able to "dig into the terrain", you'd just make the pool itself a 3D object that required flat terrain. The terrain engine doesn't seem to support overhangs, so this shouldn't present a real issue; if there's a flat area of "ground", then there's nothing

Pikmin was a launch title for the GameCube, and being a first party Nintendo title, my guess is this debug executable was necessary because the hardware wasn't finalized. Most of the debugging symbols here seem to be related to the AI of the pikmin, which makes a lot of sense; for its time, Pikmin was a fairly complex

Damn. Now THAT's a headline. Bravo world, bravo.

Hiding your wireless network’s SSID is a mostly useless attempt at security. It may keep your nosy neighbor from seeing the name of your network, but as soon as you use your wireless network, you send your SSID name over the air anyway. In addition, hiding your SSID makes it more painful for your own computers and

WOO!TPwontSB = Woohoo! The Packers won the Super Bowl!

You are AMAZING for not ruining that moment for him.

At least until the PS5 and the Xbox Two, which may finally decide to ditch discs alltogether. I'm somewhat surprised it didn't happen this generation; PC games are now nearly entirely digital, all the App Stores are digital, and consoles should soon follow suit.