
i really enjoyed the superhero line up and watched it twice for the look on the guys faces. i disagree with the reviewer, i rather liked the silly names, ghost cobra - i guess it is an in joke and i have missed the ref. grey area - very good. superfly - excellent. megafist - i missed the sexual innuendo until i saw it

i love this film. I think you are really stretching it comparing it to star wars.

i was thinking something similar. why why would i feel guilty about something i absolutely enjoy? this film is just pure pleasure. i am one of those who have watched it many times.

yeah, the ads are terrible - and they don't do this film any justice.
I think the worst thing about the ads is they make MM seem like the
stupid fat extra in a film where she actually gets to shine as the main
character. based on te ads I wasn't keen to see it either,


he's from Upton Park & likes West Ham.

thanks for this. thought provoking. and all fan love is appreciated here.

i hated this episode. i thought it was really really silly. so much wrong with so many scenes. but, to me, the most egregious were

also the pack of cigarettes that was offered by the boss was american style. it threw me at first as i kept thinking there might be a significance to using the wrong type of fag box. nope, just a wardrobe mistake. UK fags came in cardboard boxes in the 1970's if memory serves right.

why would an aspiring lawyer hold onto the phone of a murdered student? then he keeps it charged, on and in his bag with no plans to hand it in. accessory after the fact anyone?

thanks for that. beautiful. /sob

i always winder how they will punish the female changeling. She is an eternal, I don't beleive the Federation will allow capital punishment. She is a Federation prisoner after all not a cardassian one. She just has to wait it out. one hundred years, one thousand - no problem. she could just melt into a bucket and wait.

I agree. i will be going back to season one to see if i am just more sensitive or, as i suspect, they just use offensive words more. it is not used to satirise just to reinforce stereotypes. reminds me of what eddie murphy says 'delirious' about people just coming up and swearing at him - missing the context in which

I just love the whole dukat & win kissing and being very sexual. I think it was a bit surprising as usually (as has been done earlier) men with power have pretty little things. Then we have this gorgeous sensual old lady… I beam every time i watch the pair flirting and touching each other. strong stuff.

Thanks for the translation, now we need the audio version - how gorgeous would that sound? I with @PowerThirteen i thik it will sound like a lullaby.

It always bothered me that Ezri only rescued Worf. Six escape pods on one side of the ship, noone else but Worf on the other? I always think Worf shoudl say, 'did you also find…' and name someone else famous in the crew who is also still missing.

can we also get a transaltion of last week, please?

i agree.

is dukat's pronunciation of lilacs ('lie-larks') a US regional thing or just him being extra annoying? quark & jadzia don't say it like that.

I am really upset that TPH is dead. As sooon as he touched her face, i thought 'dead woman walking' as this is not the type of show that would go down well with an ongoing interacial relationship, or, less probalematically, carter managing teen son & home with reece coming home for evening meals. That just wouldn't