
i never read the fanzine or other related comics so i also assumed he was a former Operative.

i always thought that killing off two of the major characters was like double underlining in red that there won't be serenity 2.

i always thought that killing off two of the major characters was like double underlining in red that there won't be serenity 2.

what strikes me as very odd watching this now is the rise of the large homeless camps following the banking / mortgage crises. 'gimmies' (large groups unemployed & spiralling down for reasons out of their control) didn't figure anywhere in my conciousness when i first watched this with when originally screened. could

what strikes me as very odd watching this now is the rise of the large homeless camps following the banking / mortgage crises. 'gimmies' (large groups unemployed & spiralling down for reasons out of their control) didn't figure anywhere in my conciousness when i first watched this with when originally screened. could

i think it was supposed to be bill gates and a microsoft joke - given that it aired so many years ago. weirdly prescient as gates has also turned into a global philanthropist.

i think it was supposed to be bill gates and a microsoft joke - given that it aired so many years ago. weirdly prescient as gates has also turned into a global philanthropist.

i also assume he would turns up like a bad penny.

i also assume he would turns up like a bad penny.

i am just going through TNG at the mo as it is on uk at mo. never watched it systematically before. tv has just started at season 3. it has been truly awful up to this point. ds9 was never that consistently bad (was it??). to increase my bad mood i see that smug grin of frakes in that picture at the top i just shudder.

i am just going through TNG at the mo as it is on uk at mo. never watched it systematically before. tv has just started at season 3. it has been truly awful up to this point. ds9 was never that consistently bad (was it??). to increase my bad mood i see that smug grin of frakes in that picture at the top i just shudder.

agreed. the child was adorable in a non-cutie pie advertising way and very menacing. i hated that screaming fit. great casting choice.

agreed. the child was adorable in a non-cutie pie advertising way and very menacing. i hated that screaming fit. great casting choice.

i loved the jgl's early scenes in the diner. i could see he was channelling willis and i was just giggling to myself. i had not read any reviews so had no idea what to expect but seeing the 2 stars names on the posters i soon realised what was coming.

i loved the jgl's early scenes in the diner. i could see he was channelling willis and i was just giggling to myself. i had not read any reviews so had no idea what to expect but seeing the 2 stars names on the posters i soon realised what was coming.

oh thank goodness for that. i love me some lance!

oh thank goodness for that. i love me some lance!

@Thrasymachus:disqus thanks for that. so true.

@Thrasymachus:disqus thanks for that. so true.

i lolve this ep as well. so very excited.