
I don’t know if I can take 7 more episodes of people calling cars sleepers that are flashier than the exotics

Isnt it the labels job to collect all the fees and then pay the artist? This seems backward

You mean the weekend? God forbid you would take personal time to recoup


I have a 2.5 ton with a ten speed. I can’t even begin to tell you how often I miss gears.

To-go drinks at thebar? That and scad are the only things worth seeing there

I can’t wait!

Dear David, I regret nothing.

Your forgetting Toyotas achilles heel as well. They have a boxer in that thing. Lets not pretend like subarus don’t eat oil like crazy

Kia unfortunatly.

So you play once a month....

Has anyone else had the bug where your gun will unscope as your in the middle of a gunfight. Usually happens inside of 30m but has happened to me at all ranges at least a few times.

Haven’t you driven a Civic before? They all grind.

Little of this, little of that

Seems you married the wrong women. My wheels would be pumped on this. We also are a car enthusiast/wagon household that already owns a subaru unicorn wagon so that might help

I mean....Its not terrible. Its nice to see a company thats willing to take a chance and make something different. And if I was throw money around rich, I would probably buy one for the hell of it.

I’m sorry but PUBG sucks. It’s super buggy, crashes all the time, tons of in game glitches. No fortnite isn’t my style but at least it’s refined enough to play. I can’t wait for someone to actually come out with a finished BR game

The front range is a huge freight line. It makes perfect sense to get all those semis off the road and essentially you have a “port” in Pueblo and Cheyenne to load/unload

I’ve watched this about 10 times in a row now. That had to be intentional. The timing is too perfect.