
Forcing children to undergo HRT is child abuse.

“Elon Musk to lay off 75% of Twitter staff”

You get paid to write this crap?

Exactly. Bloober Team could do good work by themselves (and have), but in this case, they’re working closely with some of the original team and have the backing of Konami. This isn’t going to be an indie production, they have everything they need to make a AAA quality title. I choose to be hopeful, especially after

The reddit tears over Bloober Team are the height of comedy.

Maybe one of the recommendations could be to implement policies related to work, like implementing a UBI, capping the workweek at 35 hours, and/or capping the workweek at 4 days? Perhaps incentivizing employers to mandate a fitness program at work? (daily gym time, company-wide yoga, etc)

Sustainable farming isn’t that difficult, and if America wasn’t a hellscape filled with mega corporations in bed with the power brokers, it could be done easily. Hell, there’s a guy in Virginia doing it now very well. I’m not sure why we need this Frankenstein abomination chemical slop, to be honest.

I’m all for not having any of that. I’m all for sustainable farming practices and treating the animals that will soon be our food very well. If I were dictator of America, I would tear down the entire factory farming concept and nationalize our agriculture industry.

The people who cry the loudest tears about their precious G4 blue haired feminist show now entering the unemployment line are the people who only wanted to signal about it but not watch it.

I’m so sad over this.

Good luck forcing me to.

“Chemical-filled, grossly unhealthy fake meat is bleeding money and struggling to be profitable, despite aggressive marketing pushes and key relationships with various fast food chains

Why? Because he’s not doing the bit of crying about being oppressed because of his race while making millions of dollars?

You don’t know what real fascism actually is.

Social marxism is protected by the power structure. It’s interesting that the political theory that claims to be anti-establishment is all too happy to cheer on the power structure as it puts the boot down on political dissidents.

No u.

I just fucking hate it. I’d rather see a human killed, tbh.”

You pissy little liberals replying to handlebears are funny. Here is a smart person who makes a logical and well thought out argument in favor of responsible gun ownership, and you dumbasses get caught up in the analogy. I’ll make my own liberty-oriented and not at all polite argument on the subject: because I live in

You’re arguing against ownership making smart business moves with their franchise.  This is a big deal, especially with small market teams and the lack of a hard salary cap. If you were to complain about the system, that’s fine. There’s a lot there to chew on, especially with team control rules where owners can

I love going to Gawker Media sites to laugh at ultra left-wing idiots.