Blake Good

Why are kids live-action shows so bad, anymore? This wasn't a problem in the 90s and early 2000s. Thank God kids cartoons no longer suck!

Where the hell are the July 2001 to December 2012 issues?

"PC Principal is an asshole ginger who loves beating up fat kids and has no soul!"

Ahem, Cartoon Network has actually improved since they fired Stuart Snyder. Only Nostalgiatards like you think it hasn't.

Too bad the creator of Uncle Grandpa or Johnny Test wasn't fired! It's a real damn shame because both of these shows really suck!

What was up with the plot? They were taken over by robotic suits and controlled by Mojo. Also Blossom sounded like she had a different voice actor while Bubbles and Buttercup sounded like their usual selves.


Hey, fuck you!

Yeah Home Movies was good but The Oblongs was not. To the idiot who called it a great show, YOU ARE FUCKING HIGH, that show was nothing but 1-dimensional characters being assholes to each other. Milo kept getting beat up by bullies, HOW THE FUCK IS THAT FUNNY! I'd rather watch any of Tyler Perry's films that that POS

What, people actually like that POS show? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL!? Have you all been taking stupid pills? I'm sorry but this is bullshit; a show like that is called "great" but Family Guy is called "unfunny". This world keeps getting worse and worse each day!

At least FG isn't as bad as that stupid Oblongs show. Please Adult Swim don't you EVER bring that POS show back!