BB&J: The poster currently known as BB&J

That’s not a job, that’s a career.

I’ll just leave this here.

Only if Tom Cruise’s Les Grossman returns to dance to 🎶Apple Bottom Jeans🎶

Black Panther 2 starring Kirk Lazarus. (spoilers)

I get why they left it out, but it’s still a lame ass reason.
It’s based on a play, you cannot have a good villain in a play without making them relatable or at least meaningful, otherwise it would just be silence.
This is the rare times where I do see the tragedy in worrying about being PC, you start putting a muzzle

Covid has been so weird. I know most people have more time stuck at home, but I’ve been busier than ever even before election season got into full swing. So that means I haven’t played any of these. Only looking forward to Ghosts of Tsushima from that banal list though.

That’s what the Detrumpify plugin is for. 

That or she’s a David Icke lizard person, and the eyes are their tell.

For how rich she is, you’d think Loeffler could afford a better glass eye...then again, a glass eye would be more interesting than the rest of her combined.

Send her a thank you note and donate to the runoff. And if we all tried to register more voters where we are, that would help all of us. 

THANK YOU FOR THIS. I hope the comment section won’t be crickets like it usually is when the article centers the sisters.

Stacey Abrams is an American hero, full-stop.  She needs to be acknowledged as such.

Fuck him.  

In this century:

This lady from overseas raises her bottle of cider to all you warriors, to all you fighters, to all you not-let-uppers. You did it. I’m a crying mess of relief because you. did. it.

That many people in Utah voted for a descendant of Ham? Holy shit.

Probably RIP Mike Pence’s fly, a true American patriot.

Turning the other cheek only encourages these racist motherfuckers to continue being racist motherfuckers.

this was incredible and she’s an inspiration