I can't wait for this tech to come out in NZ!!!
I can't wait for this tech to come out in NZ!!!
why are comments not editable because the giz timezone is not the same as mine?
A city of 300,000 people would still have more suicides per year than foxconn, and nobody can deny it is anything other than a city where everyone happens to work for the same boss.
Stuff like this brings tears to my eyes.
@randomher0: I used to use the same device on valves going on the seabed to make sure there was enough microns on them... I think most good painters have one.
I saw the pic, and there I was on the front page thinking, nay, Begging, that this article was going to be an introduction to a new series... Damn you, Giz, damn every last one of you!
@billpetecom: You'e right... the fines and prison terms for copyright infringement are waaaay higher.
@eyjafjallajökull: Aww.. embedding disabled... love your avatar BTW... :D
@bornonbord: Hmmm.. how is it then that a camera such as the fujifilm s2000HD can shoot a 15min 720p clip?
My boss when someone screws up at work tommorow?
Handy little comp for those on the otherside of the world... I wonder if exploding an old TV is "fireworks"?
So this is the dude that decided putting glass on both sides of something that goes in your pocket, (possibly next to keys, change, etc.) AND was prone to being used in a hurry (answering calls whilst walking, etc. and therefore will probably be dropped on occasion), was an excellent idea....
Kiss once had a pinball game... Are Slayer becoming the new Kiss?
@\m/ chaosphere \m/: I still have my tshirt from "oxidation of the nations" tour in 91!
@beefmalone: And comments like that are why the rest of the world think americans are arrogant wankers.
He didn't intend to build a robot sculpture, he was just cutting the rust out and this was all that was left...
@beefmalone: Yeah, whatever... I don't live in a country with a dictator nor do we get handouts from the USA... In fact quite a bit of our exports keep you americans fed.... Keep trying though.
Way to go USA!
@d0minick: Yup, becasue ALL Android phone always come from he same maker
@benjgvps: when I had my hotmail account, most of the spam came from other hotmail accounts! That was the main reason I gave it up... about 3 years ago