a wooden paint mixer stick.
a wooden paint mixer stick.
If your own children didn’t attend (or are currently attending) public school then you honestly have no business discussing any public school issues at all.
If we are supposed to be celebrating freedom, isn’t forcing people to celebrate kind of like, ironic?
You just described every phone call I endure. When I make phone calls, I have to be completely alone in a room, with a locked door so I can’t be interrupted, and able to stand so I can pace back and forth. I talk too fast, stumble and stutter, and am never sure if I sound like a lunatic or not. Not fun. This happens…
It’s like 49 today in eastern Massachusetts. In June.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Standing wipers are like sasquatch. Or good christians. You say they exist, but I have yet to see one live in the wild.
love it
a ton of Trump supporters that have been turned off by his extreme nationalist rhetoric
The billionaires dont understand.
hahahaha.....no. If you don’t have kids, then you should probably move to Sedona or wherever old fucks go to be in quiet spaces.
Crazy. I would have been on the phone with the police after about 45 seconds of that.
Oh my. I don’t think I would ever speak to another parent about their kid unless it was in serious life-threatening harm. I am not getting killed over someone’s loud kid. These days, stay out of it.
Parents should make their kids wait outside the bar, all sad and desperately looking in the window for a couple hours, like when we were kids [true story, many times over]
My sister left me her 45s when she moved out and exposed me to so much good music at an early age. I can remember hearing her talk about going to Great Woods (in MA) and in my head it was a big clearing in the woods where teenagers did pagan shit.
I have to reluctantly admit that this is the silver lining to the Eagles winning the super bowl.
The perpetuation of false hierarchies. Think about the thousands of years people have put themselves above others because they are a priest or bishop or pope.
There should be zero tolerance for Nazi fetishizers.
Very true. I would respect the shit out someone who truly follows the teachings assigned to “Jesus Christ” and especially Francis of Assisi. Dedicate your life truly to others and poverty, I have nothing but good things to say.