
A Republican is bringing this to light.

Literally fucking no one was proposing armed mercenaries to replace municipal policing. Christ almighty.

Dogecoin started tanking during Miley Cyrus’ opening performance, which preceded Elon’s opening monologue, his first appearance on the episode. There isn’t a clear cut answer to why it started going down. A lot of news sources are fudging the truth because uncertainty doesn’t make a great narrative.

Someone please illuminate my stupidity (TIA) because I’m not clear how Google is being “petty” (def. having little or no importance) by giving Roku customers access to YouTube TV through the standard YouTube app. Doesn’t Roku win here by not having agreed to Google’s demands and their hardware still has access to the

Ok poke a little fun at Bill Gates the geek, sure, but to pretend the Gates Foundation does nothing is lazy writing.

This. Whatever he’s like personally, his foundation - which, Jesus, Jezebel, do some research before you casually dismiss the Gates Foundation - has done an incredible amount to transform living conditions in the developing world.

the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which does something I’m sure. I just couldn’t tell any of you what exactly.

It may be because I’m super-old, but one of the first things I remember about the Gates Foundation after it formed was all the mosquito netting it provided to countries in Africa and its dedication to family planning. This isn’t just another Bezos, folks, even if you do not like the man.

What exactly is far-right? Don’t know about over there, but here in the US, it means that anyone who is not woke.

Good. Fuck ‘em. They can stay gone. No government politics at work is a great policy. There’s more than enough internal politics to give me a headache without worrying I’m going to piss off some far right nutter and get killed at work. The regular crazies are scary enough.

that guy sounds like a tesla short trying to make the company look bad by saying its not going to hit its full self driving target date.

Obviously you don’t care much for Musk, but there are few people who have taken on the tasks he has, and even fewer that actually accomplished them. It turns out the car didn’t even have the full driving package and even that is not to be left in sole control of the vehicle. Sure I don’t think he watches what he says

Trump is funny though

I do not think that is accurate, Ms. Bryant’s back is to the officer. So he did not escalate this from a fight among teens into a near stabbing of an unarmed teen. You are right, as a general rule officers should not come in guns blazing. But as they say in law school bad facts make bad laws. This is an officer

The validity and impact of all of this aside, this paragraph in the blog might be one of the worst lies I have ever seen deployed in the corporate world in my life:

They built a 2 mile tunnel in 2 years and it looks to be ready for passengers for $50 million.

My city just spent $570 million digging a similar diameter 3 mile long sewer pipe. They want to build a 12 mile extension to our light rail. It might open in 2036 assuming there are no delays and will cost about $5,000

Well It could say. Musk is building a brand new type of transportation. That takes time to develop. Think of the boring machines. De tunnel lining. The actual transit system. The AI that’s controlling it. But no that’s not news that sells. Instead complain about it still being Tesla’s driven through a tunnel. Elon

Why are we encouraging this behavior? Cancelling student loan debt for guaranteed loans just means the burden is passed to tax payers. Further, “forgiving” student loan debt while still guaranteeing those loans makes absolutely no sense at all.

So we draft people to be cops who don’t want to be? Sounds like maybe an even worse idea. It takes the right type of personality to be dealing with sad people all the time, crime victims, but not get too jaded or just start arresting people you think are guilty without being sure, you know, requiring proof. I know I

The skit in question, which is very much in bad taste and shouldn’t have been done, does perhaps sound better in context, where it shows the pointedly out of touch Vince trying to talk like a “rapper” and a black wrestler being absolutely incensed when he uses the word but not being able to do anything about it