
They should just give up and accept the fact that the vast majority of the media are more concerned with pushing the left wing agenda than just reporting facts and letting people make up their own minds.  Of course the folks who are already brainwashed hope it continues...

Oh the irony...

Why do you delete polite comments just because they don’t support your agenda?

You forgot to mention that the hypocritical democrats who own property on Martha’s Vinyard have opposed this for years.  Wind Turbines are great as long as they block someone else’s view.  

Drug money is often used to buy equipment. It’s nothing new or secretive. This is just more anti-police propaganda.  Business as usual here.

Because Gizmodo told you to think that...

The far left has an unhealthy obsession with Musk.  

Why do you keep deleting comments?

How is the loophole petty?  Sounds like Googe did exactly what they should have done to keep their app available to their customers.

How many vaccines has India unsuccessfully attempted to purchase from these companies?

This is poorly written, even by Jezebel standards.  

Trump is out of office... It’s time to stop letting him live in your head rent free.

Yeah, none of that makes sense.  

What evidence do you have to support your claims?  Seems like you are just trying to make a victim out of one group of people while disparaging another group you disagree with.

Being conservative means equal treatment for all and people being responsible for their own actions. Left wing condescension toward minorities is terrible racism.  

Are you making up another new term?

Yes.. Only far left wing links are allowed here.

How was anything stolen?  They have a product.  You want the product and you pay for it.  The proper way to deal with prices is to promote competition and not socialism. 

Racism applies to all groups. Many Asian people are racist against black people. Many black people are racist against Asian people. Just a take a look all of the recent attacks on Asian people instead of cherry-picking one terrible incident.

I would say that the Musk attacking crowd is as much of a cult as his followers.  I have no idea what his IQ is, but he has some some really impressive things.  People here have spent a lot of time making excuses and trying to downplay his accomplishments.