
That’s good.  More people are going to need government food when he is done destroying the economy.  

Because it’s a crime to illegally access a computer network...

This article is just more anti-police propaganda.  If the videos were taken inside the Capital it would actually mean something.  

How many of them were Twitter users also?  I guess it’s time to shut down Twitter also.  

The riots at the Capital are just as bad as anything we saw in the past year.  I don’t think we should play it down.  It definitely points out the hypocrisy on the left though.  They have been condoning and even encouraging violent riots all year.  Now they are trying to act morally superior. It would be funny if it

You should really pay attention to the news.

You are really stretching to blame the “big oil” boogyman for this one...

Yeah.. God forbid he at least attempt to help the country.  He should just bitch behind a keyboard like everyone else.

It’s funny how so many people who have accomplished nothing try to trash Musk for being slightly optimistic in guessing the timeframe of his major accomplishments.  

Can’t admit it when they do something well, huh?  At least you are not alone.  

You can keep repeating the wage gap propaganda, but it’s not going to make it true.  It’s been disproven over and over again.  Facts matter.

Rich white neighborhoods typically have more foliage to remove. Not everything is racism.  When you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I don’t think Texas will ever turn into the liberal utopias like Minneapolis or Portland.   

You are making a few assumptions. One, in all likelihood he did get the parent’s permission.  Also, if the teacher was sexually abusing the student, most decent parents would want that investigated.  

There is a lot wrong with this article. Let’s start with the first story. The police officer (with consent) had the cell phone extraction done at a police department to look for evidence of a crime. That has little to do with the school.

Social justice insanity under the guise of sarcasm?

I’m offended by your comment. Please call me “z fuckface” or you are committing a micro-aggression against me.

Trying to force all these ridiculous rules on people does not help your cause. If you are famous and change your name, people are going to use the name that everyone recognizes. Prince was always Prince. Let’s stop playing victim.

No, they don’t OWE you anything.  If you want they wealth he has, work for it yourself.  I don’t know why so many people feel so entitled to what others have.  He took the risks, not you.  He came up with better products than anything available, not you.  He slept at his factories until they were producing, not you.

That’s what happened in my state.  The neighbors to the south fled here in droves to get away from the liberal tax policies.  Unfortunately they still vote the same way and have turned the state from red to purple.