
Capitalism sucks?  God forbid people work hard and support themselves...

This is as ignorant as the morons who tore down historic statues using the excuse of social justice.

You are not very good at understanding other points of view, huh?

Or just support good people regardless of their skin color.

It’s funny how even when the Republicans vote exactly how the left wants, they still whine and try to spin it to a negative.

So it does the same thing that Twitter, Facebook and Youtube do, but for opposite political views...

Excuse me...  You are not properly outraged.  While we’re at it, you should feel guilt and shame at what someone else did 400 years before you were born.  

It takes some real effort to spin a Disney challenge coin into anti-cop propaganda.  

I hope the ex cops you claim to work with know how ridiculously childish your view of them is. 

In court you actually have to prove intent, not just make it up.

Careful.. Folks here don’t like facts that get in the way of their outrage.

He was clearly looking for trouble. That doesn’t negate the fact that he was attacked by the rioters. A fact that most here conveniently “forget”.  He will likely be found guilty of lesser charges and not guilty of murder.  

The winner hasn’t been certified yet. I’m not sure why so many in the media think that they get to decide the winner. Save the whining about Trump for after the results are certified.

Instead of trying to bankrupt people and destroying the economy, maybe these hypocrites like Newsom should work on policies that would allow people to work and be safe at the same time.

Silly views like this do more harm than good by alienating people who would otherwise be sympathetic to environmental causes.

I feel bad that so many people are using her to push their agenda.

I’m curious how much electricity could be made this way.  There are a million ways to create electricity but most of them will never be efficient enough to be useful.  

Just stop borrowing money.  Life is so much better when you owe nothing to anyone.

Selling them stuff is not the same as buying their allegedly tainted stuff.