
What’s the difference between them and Gizmodo promoting rioters who have killed people?

I don’t think you are going to have much luck.  The comments here are some of the dumbest I’ve read in my lifetime.  I suspect they only read partisan rags.  Even still, the riots are impossible to miss.  I don’t know a single person who condones what the officer did or thinks he shouldn’t go to prison.  I’m not sure

Any articles on the Las Vegas officer shot in the back of the head by a rioter?

I support any small business that has a good product and treats it’s customers well.  No racism needed.

It’s funny how it’s okay to make ridiculous generalizations against some groups but not others. I guess it so depends on your agenda. 

It’s the ACLU... 

Why do to think cops should stand there while violent criminals throw rocks and Molotov cocktails at them?  These aren’t “protestors” so let’s stop pretending.  They are hijacking a legitimate cause for their own selfish purpose, all while being encouraged by people like you and this site. That has nothing to do with

Why does this site keep ignoring all the violent rioters? 

No.  It’s used against violent rioters.  Please stop lying. 

Not really.  

This is the second article like this in two days.  Neither one had any idea what they are talking about.  I would suggest speaking to a forensic expert next time.  In any case, just act like an adult and not a criminal and nobody will take your phone. 

How about you just protest and a criminal?   

Looting, burning buildings, assaulting police and bystanders is a riot at best.  There is no gray area.  I know these sites breed petulance but this is unbelievable   

Or just be a grown up. 

Or you could just not act like a criminal.  My phone info will be safe   As a side note, the recommendations in this article will hardly slow down a well equipped forensic lab.

Where is your condemnation of her joining the rioters as they attack civilians and police?

The rioters attacking cops?  Yeah.  Pretty dumb. 

Good. It’s a slippery slope when companies start censoring the President. That being said, it’s pretty dumb for the President encourage shooting the rioters. 

Single sentence texts don’t need a period. I only use them in multi line texts so that I can leave two spaces after it like a good Christian. 

He’s a flawed human being like all of us, but he is forcing the rest of the world to innovate.  For anyone to pretend otherwise speaks more about them than him.