
Apparently you don’t know the difference between a costume and blackface. The definition of blackface is literal in the article. If you read a little on the topic, you might learn to construct an intelligent argument instead of embarrassing yourself with childish name calling.

$15 dollars an hour is a good starting wage for an unskilled position.  You don’t “deserve” to make a good living.  You earn it.  I don’t understand the ridiculous sense of entitlement.  

Oh.. You’re one of those people who call everyone you disagree with a racist because you can’t make an intelligent argument.  How pathetic.  I appreciate you proving my point though.

Don’t have the mental capacity to make a logical argument?  You should have just said that instead of embarrassing yourself like that.

How so?

Are you in full support of facial recognition software or are you a hypocrite?  

It wasn’t blackface.  It was a costume.  

As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US.

Thank you for explaining what blackface really is since a lot of people don’t seem to know. Black makeup alone is not blackface. People just love finding things to be offended by.

The IRS is too busy trying to attack political groups to be so proactive.

What a stupid thing to vote on.  

This may very well be due to the fact that there is one big difference between Bosa and players like Colin Kaepernick or Eric Reid:

Why are you trying to blame the UK police because he was uncooperative?  What would you like them to do?

Whistleblower, traitor... Potato, Potahto.  

Uh oh. The “big oil” boogeyman.

I saw the same exaggerated headline on Yahoo.  Nothing really happened.

I don’t like Biden at all but the SJW’s are making too big a deal.  I strongly suspect that he is just a sleazy, car salesman like character who is trying too hard to make a personal connection with people. That’s it. Let’s not make him out to be a sex offender.

Out of curiosity, what “wrongs” are you referring to?

Yeah, it’s Trump’s fault Biden is creepy... Unbelievable...

It won’t stop at actual white supremacists.  Many on the left label anyone who they disagree with as a racist.  It’s a tactic to shut them down.