

The Patriots are a great team, with great players and a great owner and great coach. Stop whining already. I suspect this is influenced by your ultra-left views.  

You cherry-picked a couple tweets, but what are the averages?  I’m getting back $1400 more than last year and made almost exactly the same amount.

I understand the frustration, but the reality is that the unions have priced themselves out of jobs. GM is barely profitable and in debt up to it’s eyeballs.  A business can only survive so long that way.

That’s pretty terrible advice for the average person.  Very few people actually beat the market or decent mutual funds.  

That’s rarely the case. 

Perhaps it’s better to keep engaging in adult discussions with people with differing opinions instead of labeling them trolls and hiding their comments.  These sites have a serious lack of diversity of opinions.

I suspect my comment will be hidden, but I really disagree with the first one.  There is no good debt, especially a CAR.  Owing no money to anyone is extremely liberating.  

Go Patriots!

The Huffington Compost is a pathetic rag.  I’m not surprised they need to con people into clicking on their trash.

You need to look up the definition of proof.

I don’t agree. They are already at a huge disadvantage. Action is always slower than reaction. Just because they have a risky job, that doesn’t mean they have to allow people to shoot them.  It’s a different discussion of it’s a random person reaching to his waist.  If it’s someone who just committed felonies while

This article is disingenuous at best.  The purpose of the memo was about abortion extremists in general. It was very clear when it explained that most of the extremists are anti-abortion.  It makes sense since they see it as murder.  Let’s try to not exaggerate the meaning so much.

Not biased at all.

As far as the shooting goes, it all comes down to who you believe. He was committing crimes while armed with a gun (toy or not makes zero difference). When the police found him, if he really started reaching toward his waist band (which I think you left out of your story) then the shooting was justified. If not and it

Your plan is good in theory.  The reality is that MANY people are not disciplined enough to save money.  At least overpaying the government forces them to do so.

I’m with you.  I have 4 kids so not so much now, but many times in the past I got back more money than I paid.  There is something wrong with that system.

That’s pretty silly.   How many tens of millions of dollars would be enough for you?

Thanks for pointing out how shitty and inhumane the free market and capitalism is.

So because the owner is a billionaire, he should just pay absurd salaries? I don’t blame players for getting as much as they can. I would. The salaries are unsustainable. Try taking a family of four to a Red Sox game. The cost is insane.