
Unofficial” doesn’t change anything. The NFL has been brutal.  Send like they should love free advertising but they must make a fortune off the trademark.

Unofficial” doesn’t change anything. The NFL has been brutal.  Send like they should love free advertising but they

A lot of people now want to ban all speech that they disagree with.

I sense a cease and letter coming from the NFL soon 

I sense a cease and letter coming from the NFL soon 

It’s cute when you misuse that term.

Ocasio-Cortezis out of her mind.  Her ideas are just idiotic.  

She got fired for nothing.  Good for her.

That’s the problem with reporting on things just because someone else reported on it.

People to day have zero ability to understand other points of view. “Anyone who doesn’t think like me is is a racist, homophobic nazi who eats children and puppies”.  The responses to your comment demonstrate that.

Ha ha. You can’t make logical arguments so you become increasingly childish. I appreciate you continuously making my points for me though. I doubt you can even comprehend that you keep doing that. I’m embarrassed for you.

Microsoft has always been very helpful in battling child porn, including donating new technology. The company has many faults, but I’m sure they will fix this.

So to recap... You admit you are nothing more than a pathetic troll who tried to bait me into an argument and failed. That’s some progress I guess. Maybe you’ll take my previous advice and grow up.  I doubt it though.

Are you assuming or have you seen an actual demo?

These are all the same arguments we heard just before 4K came out. So many people thought 1080P was more than we would ever need. 8K will be the standard because eventually the price will drop to the point where there is no reason not to have that many pixels. And just like the case now with 4K, content will be

If every nation is required to abide by it (unlike the Paris agreement) I’m all for it.  

Thank you for getting in to food intolerances. I didn’t expect that. I had severe stomach pain for three years. Many times I was up the entire night, or unable to leave where I was. It was misdiagnosed a couple of times and eventually just given the generic label “IBS”, which if you don’t know means the doctors have

It will be unbelievable when Comcast finally has some competition.

I know, “poor me and my only $350" when most people are happy to get a couple bucks out of the game at all

You were trying to bait me for an argument and it failed, so you are becoming more and more childish. It was obvious you weren’t interested in a discussion and I doubt you are capable of holding one anyway. Grow up.

You should stick with reading only comments you agree with.  You aren’t capable of an adult conversation, but you don’t want to accidentally learn something.  

Just because YOU don’t understand something, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense.  I suspected you were looking for a petulant argument and not a civil conversation.  Thank you for proving me right.