
People to day have zero ability to understand other points of view. “Anyone who doesn’t think like me is is a racist, homophobic nazi who eats children and puppies”.  The responses to your comment demonstrate that.

I know, “poor me and my only $350" when most people are happy to get a couple bucks out of the game at all

Every part of that comment was dumb.

That girl can throw a punch!  

You too can help bail out a sex offender or violent criminal.

That’s almost as bad as everyone blaming the Border Patrol without any justification at all.

I don’t think O’Reilly was completely wrong, he just worded it poorly. The problem with financial conversations is that everybody has an opinion and everyone thinks they are an expert. If you are going to take advice, it should be from someone who has proven they are good with money.

Thank you.  I didn’t have energy to respond like that.  Prepare to be banished to the grays for using facts and logic when it comes to climate change.

How many immigrants did Canada take from South America?

There is no special training that would have helped in this case. Unfortunately there are thousands and thousands of online harassment claims daily. You would need to quadruple the size of police departments to treat them all like potential murders.  You would also have to force phone companies and social media

I work with a lot of cops.  Everything you said is false.  It has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with your assumptions and biases.

100 minus your age in equities

Bad timing.

It didnt even work as political satire

I heard an old interview with Will Ferrell on Howard Stern.  He was the least funny and least engaging guest I ever heard.  

These cars are made in ‘merica.  Anyone who is anti-Tesla is anti-American.

Every part of your comment was made up.  I get it.  You don’t like the FBI because they are an “authority figure”.  

But if they investigated child molestation they wouldn’t have time to beat up black people on a daily basis.

Journalists have intentionally and literally been ignored, shunned, blacklisted and murdered for investigating things that would implicate rich white men.

Uncharitable (and sadly likely) explanation: