
Nothing will shut him up because him and his supporters do not care about facts.

I assumed he told you to beg for attention.

I’m embarrassed for you. You speak nonsense because you are unable to use logic. Could your obsession with a far left blogger stem from the fact that he does your thinking for you?

It’s interesting that you enjoy quoting Trump.  You make as sense as he does.  

This article is full of hypocrisy.  You work for a blog that puts a far left spin on every single article.  Take 30 seconds to search and you will see some of the disgusting, partisan controversies involving CNN and MSNBC.  

Couldn’t your dad get the flu shot or is not suggested with his issues?

It looks like Lampert is making himself richer in the fire sale, though.

My response was pretty clear. You can pretend anything youwant but it was still a stupid and pointless question. You can read anything you want. I doubt you will though because it would involve reading something other than left wing blogs you agree with.

I didn't answer your question because it was a stupid question.  I'm here now reading articles on a far left site.  There is no point to just listing random articles for you.  I don't believe your claim either.  Based on your first ridiculous comment, I'm guessing I was spot on.  If I had any interest I could probably

Let me guess... Everyone who has a different point of view from you is also a racist and Nazi?  

Some people actually read other points of view.  Weird, right?  You just continue being ignorant and petulant.  I’m sure it’s working well for you.

Of course the vast majority lean right. They actually live in reality and see the results of liberal policies. There’s a big difference between right wing political views and right wing extremists. Let’s not try to equate the two.

In this case they go hand in hand.  I also don't demonize people who legally don't pay a high percentage in taxes.  NOBODY pays more in taxes than they are legally obligated to.  

I’m not surprised.

Just call everyone who disagrees with you a racist and Nazi.

I was going to say the same thing. Writers here practically brag that their articles are propaganda.

Absolutely everything you said is made up.  Don’t let facts get in the way of a good story.

Yes, cops and military are more likely than not to support the extreme right.

I almost wish Antifa were as effective as you pants-shitters say they are. If anyone deserves a beating, it’s racist Nazis. Get out of my country, you Nazipiece of shit.

The headline was propaganda but at least the article was a little better.