
None of that made sense.  I suppose it helped to continue your ridiculous, self-righteous views. The reason you can only rant instead of making an intelligent point is because you live in a bubble and can't understand any other points of view.  Good luck with that.

Objective thinking is a wonderful thing.  

Fox is the mirror image of the other networks.  CNN and MSNBC are clearly liberal and Fox is clearly conservative.  How is it more “gross”?

I think ALF is available on Crackle.  My kids love it.

You’ve come to the wrong website, friend.  We don’t like alternative opinions here.  Far left views only or get lost.

If I owned a large company, I would do everything I could (legally) to prevent having to deal with unions also.  

Left wing views only please.  We don't like diversity of thought here.

It really doesn't matter.  Liberals are going to assume everything she says is fact and it's the worst thing in the world.  Conservatives are going to assume she's a liar and it's all a left wing conspiracy.

She should be fine heavily for bringing a frivolous lawsuit.

Blinded by politics much?

It was pretty clear from the beginning.

You ever hear of Robert Byrd?  Don't let your politics cloud your judgement.

In theory, if you allow one group to celebrate their race, it should be okay for others also. In reality though, I don’t know of anyone who considers themself a “white nationalist” who isn’t a raging racist.  Maybe someone is out there, but I don't know of them.

I would love to see someone countersue the ACLU for a ton of money.  It's not up to Facebook to decide which demographics companies advertise to.

If he had concrete proof the diver was a pedo why didn’t he just give it to the cops in Thailand instead of randomly insulting him on Twitter?

I feel like your point is lost on the people with an irrational hatred of Musk. The guy acted like a douche. Of course Musk should have handled it better.

Unsworth was publicly critical of Musk’s attempts to involve himself in the rescue using a purpose-built miniature submarine

I can’t wait for Comcast to have some competition. 

If you’re driving on a highway in NH, slower traffic keep right. The left-hand lane is for passing and farster traffic. Get the fuck out of the way.

I have lived in New England my entire life.  There are no more Confederate flag here than where else.  Much less than in the South I'm sure.  New England was in the other side of the war.