
None of your self-righteous babble makes any sense.  What exactly would you like the answer to?  Global warming in general?  I'm not sure where you are trying to go.

Way to ignore my response...

Wow...  Good one.

Grow up.

That’s the lazy claim.

And it took you very few words to show your ignorance.  Good job.

Let’s save some time.  Are you claiming that every doomsday article is correct?  All of the alarmists are justified no matter what they claim?  If you are, there's a word to describe people like you.

Why bother responding if you are too stupid to read or comprehend anything I have said?  

I’m not arguing against any of that. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of bad articles and assumptions. How many times do you think people have used the “everybody knows” and “97% of scientists agree” to justify false arguments?  Not every environmental claim is accurate.  

Too stupid to make an intelligent point?  Pathetic...

Grow up.

And you literally said “I don’t question climate change. I do question many of the articles about it”

Buddy boy, all you’re doing here is trying to make yourself sound smugly superior to everyone else.

Jesus effing christ. Right here in the same article there’s a conservative senator, already known for his climate denialism, trying to push the nominated head of the White House’s OSTP straight into denialism territory.

Says the guy incapable of rational thought.

Because they just ignore it, you fuckwit.

People have different views.  Grow up.

I’ll get you a participation trophy so that you can go back to doing all the math, running data and submitting scientific papers for review like you claim.  

My comment was accurate, but whatever makes you feel better.

Yes I know.  You believe every single claim.  All of them.  No need to think about it.