
That’s what I thought.

Yeah, you’re going to have to use facts want to make a point.

I don’t know anyone on the right who obsesses about climate change, or really pushes their views on others. I don’t see anyone whining because someone dared to not talk about climate change. I don’t question climate change. I do question many of the articles about it.  Despite the assumption of climate change

You’re comment is not really related to religion.  I’m specifically talking about the obsession that is clear in this article.  

Not quite. Not believing the science alone does not make it a religion. It’s the obsession of some, pushing your views on everyone else, believing EVERYTHING related without question.  

Not everyone sees climate change as a religion.  

Known for their centrist stance"?   What planet do you live on?  Just saying something won't make it true.  I suspect you don't question anything that fits your beliefs.

This is obvious.  Fox is right wing.  Trump is right wing.  CNN and MSNBC are left wing.  Left wing politicians are far more likely to follow and agree with them.

It’s not a bad show, but some people dont’ have a sense of humor.  So there’s that...

Tivo was such an innovative product.  It’s a shame they didn’t keep advancing the technology as much as they could have.  They really can’t justify the current cost for most people.

It also has a financial impact.  Having a high security clearance opens up some doors in the private sector.  

This is a really dumb article.  It is a big deal for a general to come out against any president.  He is taking a much bigger stand than you and your blog ever did. 

I’m the only one who has brought a source. Sure, you might disagree with it, and we can debate its merits, but I haven’t seen you try to defend your blanket statement with anything but opinions. That’s your definition of “good faith”?

No, it proves that you’re not arguing in any measure of good faith

No, I’d provide a list of 51 lying Republicans.

Why not mention the amount of debt Ford has?

Yeah, that was my point. You have already demonstrated that you are not objective. If I provide a list of 50 lying Democrats, you will make excuses for almost all of them. Second, what will we have then? You will just claim that there are still more lying Republicans without providing any impartial data.

The worst part about whole life is that when you die, they keep your “investment”.  They only pay out the amount of insurance. 

Even then there are false confessions.  Maybe for the death penalty is should be “beyond all doubt”.  

Look at auto financing. Just skimming across Kia earlier and 0%-0.9% APR for 60-72 months depending on model.