
Explain where the false equivalency is.  

Umm... What?  Think about what you want to say and try again.  

Good thing liberals never lie... Seriously...

It’s sad that so many people can only see the problems with one party.

People love fads.  Just cut out processed sugar and grains and you'll be fine.

Yes it is.  You are borrowing against your stock portfolio.  That’s why you can only borrow up to 50% of the value.  If you go beyond that they sell off your stock.  

He only committed a crime if he was lying.  Good luck proving that.

Like Robert Byrd?   Seriously.  If you think one side is all good people and the other is all bad, you have serious problems.

He should just grand stand instead of trying to accomplish things (like the rest of the left).

I’m convinced his entire audience is made up of liberals looking to be offended.  I don’t know a single person who pays attention to Jones.

It’s funny to me that people obsess about Fox News.  Fox is clearly right wing.  CNN and MSNBC are clearly left wing.  Your political views don’t make one better than the others.  

I find it creepy, but in most states 16 is NOT underage.  

Good luck if you live in the Northeast.  Looks like a lot of clouds and rain.

No thanks.

Of course it’s climate change that caused it.

Again... The false positives mean absolutely nothing. Facial Recognition technology is not identifying anyone. It just give possible suggestions. Nobody is going to jail solely based on facial recognition. I don’t see the point of scanning stadiums right now unless there is a specific threat, but I can see the use if

I don’t know anyone who actually listens to this guy.  I suspect the majority of his audience are on the left. 

There are a lot of red flags in her phrasing.  I don't she protested at the time.

I haven't tried, but I would be surprised if I couldn't find hundreds of designs with just a couples of clicks.  You can't suppress anything on the internet.

You are interneting wrong.  Please at some snark, complaints about Trump and global warming.