
This is the wrong place to bring your common sense.

I’m not sure the far left are the best to just “misinformed” .

I think I agree with the overall premise of the article.  Facebook is a private company.  Freedom of speech refers to the government.  If Facebook does nothing people will complain.  If they control content people will complain.  They can’t win there.  I could do without the whining and conservative conspiracy

As CNN noted, indictments filed by special counsel Robert Mueller make it clear that the U.S. government believes Wikileaks was used as a front for Russian intelligence operatives to leak hacked emails about Democrats during the 2016 election as part of a larger alleged propaganda and misinformation campaign.

I agree that you shouldn’t pay attention to the daily swings but it’s more complicated than that.  It’s also important to think of where a stock price is going (and why) and not where you bought it or what it used to be.  If you wouldn’t buy more if you could, it’s time to sell.  I do not own any Facebook stock

Edited to be less snotty.

Sorry, not every job pays well.  Some just require little skill and/or there is a glut of applicants.  The fix is to develop skills and get a better job.

There is nothing “damning” about the report.  The identifications are just suggested possibilities.  NOBODY is getting arrested based on that alone.  It’s a distraction from the real questions and concerns about the use of the technology.

All the therapy in the world will not fix him.

No doctor should be relying on a computer to decide treatment. It should only offer suggestions.  Also from my own experience, I might trust Watson more anyway.


I don’t think anyone is really using SPF 15 unless it’s just an add in to make up or something.

Unfortunately dual consent states still only apply when you have a reasonable expectation of privacy.

So the answer to the headline “How to check for hidden cameras in an Uber or Lyft” is “look for them”. It’s just a bit click-baity.

I would love to see a return to the moon. It’s strange to think it hasn’t happened in the lifetime of most of the readers here.

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.  If your time frame is a couple years and you aren’t totally risk averse, you could invest half in large cap mutual fund and the other half in savings.

It’s sad that so many people want the SCOTUS to rule based on their politics and personal opinions.  

There is very little to disagree with Scalia on.  He ruled based on law and not his opinion.  He articulated his decisions brilliantly.  It’s sad that nuts like Ginsburg can’t do the same.

Whoopi’s side is presented as fact while Pirro just had “claims”.  Interesting...

People are obnoxious.  Most of the whining probably came from people who have never even seen a Model 3.  For some reason they associate Musk with their nutty political agendas.