
Backpage is almost all prostitution. There is not “allegedly” needed.

No lets build a wall around the hookers, duh

Accurate reporting stopped long before that.

It was clearly the pedestrian’s fault, but autonomous cars will need to do better before they are everywhere.

The headline is a good example of bias.

How dare you bring facts into this...

I really enjoyed this show. The end surprised me.

Thank you. It’s amazing how many people blame everyone else because they didn’t save for retirement. Compound interest is amazing. It takes very little money to retire comfortably if you start young.

I have no urge to stop giving Amazon my money until someone can do what they do better.

If there are no data limits, 5G in the home could be great. Comcast will finally have some competition.

As we’ve pointed out before, CBP’s own promotional videos that were shot using drones point to one key weakness of the entire border wall concept: The camera-drones themselves show that you can get over the wall pretty easily with unmanned aerial vehicles.

Ben Cohen is such a douche.

You’re saying he’s a hypocrite? Say it ain’t so...

You should try to understand other points of view. You might avoid making such silly comments in the future.

How is hiring the best person for the job discriminating against African-Americans and Latinos? You are really stretching the definition of racism.

It’s sad that people still fall for this stuff.

I don’t really see your point. Dick’s is free to sell whatever legal item they choose. I doubt anyone really cares if they don’t sell scary looking rifles. If there is a market someone else will.

And again”assault rifle” means scary looking rifle.

Yeah, either that or they actually pay attention to the propaganda. There are countless examples of bias in the media. Don’t let them do your thinking for you.

CNN allowed a lot of lengthy speeches that matched their views.