
Whether you can see it or not, there is some truth to everything I said. Like most people, I think you choose what to believe based on your views and not merit.

I was thinking the same thing. I see a lot comments here that seem crazy to me like going on vacation when you already have credit card debt. Most people probably don’t want outside opinions but wtf.. Maybe it will help someone.

Sounds like you can’t afford a vacation.

There’s a benefit to the snowball method of paying off debt, aside from the mental aspect of crossing things off the list. Each debt you pay off is one less minimum payment to make. It gives you a little breathing room when you need it the most.

People seem to think debt is universally bad and don’t understand how to leverage your credit/debt into wealth.

If you didn’t give away your money to car payments, you wouldn’t live paycheck to paycheck.

Last year I made the same decision. I paid off both my car and my wife’s car. I will never have another car payment! The $800 a month I was paying now gets direct deposited into a savings account (at a bank I don’t normally use). Boy that adds up fast. Next time I want a car I will write a check.

Dark matter is just a theory to explain why our math doesn’t work. It’s possible it exits. It’s also possible that our calculations are just wrong.

How much profit are you suppose to get from low income tenants?

Literally every single one of the talking points you just brought up are only believable from a far right perspective

Both the viewers appreciate it.

Yeah... Because Democrats never pull that crap. Seriously...

He should have. Just the way Republicans should have worked with Obama. He shouldn’t have quit over the completely unrelated Paris agreement. Musk was actually trying to accomplish something instead of just complaining.

Self-evaluation is not one of your strengths. It’s pretty silly to claim that moderates only exist on the left. The majority of the country is moderate, regardless of party. The extremes are just the loudest. It’s also ridiculous to imply that there is only conservative media, and not liberal. MSNBC, CNN, NYT have a

You mean like Bill Clinton? Robert Byrd? Hillary Clinton? Ted Kennedy?

Ha.. You completely made that up. Whatever makes you feel better.

It’s ironic because you are butthurt by the comments in the comments section on an “entertainment blog”.

Yeah, or you could work hard and get a better job.

You mean like they way they kicked Ted Kennedy out of office? Oh wait... So I guess it’s not behavior driven. Sounds hypocritical to me.

I agree more bad people should be called out. That’s not really what I’m talking about. I’m talking about good people who do one thing they don’t like.