
It’s funny how fast the left turn on each other.

Ha.. When is that going to start?

They would have much better like if they acted like adults and not petulant children.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Since the passage of the GOP’s wildly unpopular and regressive tax bill

I agree with that. One thing I did not think about is the location though. I live in a suburban area. Places like NYC are a whole different animal.

Section 8 helps but there is little profit. Your claim about turnover being low is completely made up. Yes, you need to inspect your rental property (quarterly, not annually) but that doesn’t stop damage. It’s a fact that low income property going to have much more damage then higher end property.

It’s FAR more common for regular people to own income property under a LLC for protection in the litigious society.

Of course it’s true. I don’t understand your point though. You don’t think doctors should expect to get paid well after all those years it took them?

Of course not every accusation of racism is actually racism, especially in the current political climate.

It’s difficult to make money as a landlord poorer areas. The laws are stacked against them. It’s difficult to kick out people who don’t pay and they are limited on what they can ask for a security deposit. The result is that only the slumlords are left.

Of course it’s doable. Most people are just too lazy.

Does the site or the writer decide who’s comments to block?

Yes you should, assuming your kids are not complete morons.

Because this has nothing to do with the “flat earth” theory. He is trolling people for attention and it’s working. Hardly anyone is really pushing that theory but still people can’t resist the argument.

That doesn’t mean it’s not an important article SO many people go in debt up to their eyeballs with student loans without any thought about how they are going to pay it back.

“The result of that was not people getting off welfare and finding ways to self-sufficiency”

I find the toys rich people buy less concerning then the expensive cars the middle and lower class people buy. Car payments keep people poor.

Might as well quote The Onion.

There is voter fraud. It’s a fact. The only argument is the amount. Instead of pretending it doesn’t exist, liberals should have focused on a true and trustworthy study to finally put an end to the debate.