
No, a debit card is a debit card regardless of the Mastercard logo.

No, it’s the exact same thing. If your credit card number was stolen, you wouldn’t call the credit card company to take care of it?

It is NOT more secure. They have the exact same protection.

For the moment, let’s celebrate the decision to send Americans back to the Moon—but not at the expense of ignoring the many problems that still exist back home in the US.

Where are all the examples? Sheesh...

Conservatives aren’t particularly known for their sense of humor

I guess some people aren’t obsessed with race.

Are you talking about the US Dollar, of which there is an arbitrary supply based on a government’s whim, or Bitcoin, of which there is a mathematically limited supply based on a transparent algorithm?

They would prefer you not find your luggage after the airline loses it.

You should have to strain so hard for Donald Trump attacks. He gives plenty of ammo.

Spoken with true ignorance.

The overwhelming percentage of chronically homeless people are so because of substance abuse and/or mental health issues. I hope that’s not the case here but if it is and it’s not dealt with, that money won’t last a year.

I’m impressed that nobody hear has claimed that bitcoin is protection against the imminent crash of the dollar.

It’s hard to imagine it being a good user experience. There are so many horrible x86 processors as it is.

I don’t like being told what to do I’m buying an echo now.

Of course they can. They can ask them to do almost anything. The company can refuse. They need a court order to force them to do it.

Just about every part of this story is ridiculous. One complaint always stands out. If you worked hard your whole life to build wealth for your family, in what universe should it be okay for the government to steal more than half of your estate?

Maybe he misremembered.

Any words that become common are real words. Merriam-Webster doesn’t dictate the language. They document it.

Then they own you.