
Clearly you don’t, but that’s fine.

I assumed you understood your choice of words. My bad...

It’s kind of silly to make a bogus threat based on something that clearly didn’t even happen. You are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

Sure sounds good making them deny it though. Equating the looting to riots in third world countries is even more impressive.

Did you really just use Vox to try to make a point?


*who. I need to stop typing on my phone.

I’m not sure what you mean a clean fight. Seems like some people did their best to hand it to Hillary. Trump was not the choice of the Republicans, as you can see but all the attempts to ditch him.

Even you don’t believe that.

Even you don’t believe your own B.S. You are just too immature to admit you are wrong.

You whined about some examples so I gave you a long list. You can’t dispute a single one but you continue to lie about “false premises” and “half-assed evidential support”? You jump into a conversation with name calling then you cry about bullying? Seriousy guy... You want to quit while you are behind?

HA HA! That a a more pathetic excuse than I could have imagined. 9 examples are not enough. Ha ha! Don’t you worry. There are MANY more. You claim that half are not lies however you couldn’t even provide ONE example. I’m embarrassed for you.

Sigh... I really shouldn't enable you, but in a sick way I want to see your pathetic attempt to excuse each one

Lazy petulant people such as yourself would argue that the sky is purple. It doesn’t matter what proof there is, you are going to argue and make excuses anyway.

Thank you for proving my point.

Yeah, you had no argument do you tried to echo mine. That’s not really something to be proud of bud.

Ha. That’s what a thought. Just trolling..

“And that is provable fact, with hard data behind it”

Prove something I said was incorrect.

“And that is provable fact, with hard data behind it”